Hodge Jones & Allen Representing Five Core Participants In Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry

Hodge Jones & Allen are representing five former staff at sub-post offices in the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry: Tracy Felstead, Seema Misra, Janet Skinner, Nicki Arch and Lee Castleton.

The Inquiry is ‘tasked with ensuring there is a public summary of the failings which occurred with the Horizon IT system at the Post Office leading to the suspension, termination of subpostmasters’ contracts, prosecution and conviction of subpostmasters. The Inquiry will look to establish a clear account of the implementation and failings of the system over its lifetime (a period of over 20 years)’.

Mike Schwarz leads the team at HJA and has instructed barristers Edward Henry QC of Mountford Chambers and Flora Page of 23ES as counsel to these clients.

Further Reading