Former Kent Plumber Receives Life-Changing Compensation After Contracting Rare Testicular Mesothelioma

An 88-year-old man, who wishes to remain anonymous, has received substantial compensation after being diagnosed with an extremely rare form of testicular mesothelioma after working as a plumber for Durrant Bros Limited between the early 1950s and 1960s. He now urges local workers who may have been exposed to asbestos fibres to “get checked” following his unexpected and shocking diagnosis, and subsequent compensation payment.

The man developed ‘Tunica Vaginalis’ after noticing he had an enlarged testicle in 2020. Having sought medical advice, he was diagnosed with testicular mesothelioma in December 2021. The condition required him to undergo surgery to remove his left scrotum, he received radiotherapy as a result. He continues to feel some discomfort, which is unlikely to ever go away.

He contracted the disease whilst training to be a plumber at Durrant Bros Limited. His work included mixing loose asbestos fibres with water in buckets to make lagging for pipework and cutting & fitting asbestos guttering and pipes, as well as using asbestos string. He also worked close to other tradesmen who were using asbestos materials, meaning he inhaled asbestos dust through both his work and that of others.

The man has subsequently pursued Durrant Bros Limited’s employers’ liability insurers for compensation and has been successful in his claim. He encourages others to do the same, even if the employment was many decades ago, and even if the employers are no longer in business.

The 88-year-old man on his successful compensation said: “I urge everyone who has worked as a tradesman at any point in their life to get checked for mesothelioma. It is a silent killer and it’s easy to forget about exposure to asbestos from so long ago. Once I knew I had mesothelioma, I was able to remember back and link it to my employment with Durrant Bros Limited and get the support I needed to successfully obtain compensation. I would like to extend my thanks to not only Hodge Jones & Allen but also to the asbestos disease charity who supported me, the London Asbestos Support Awareness Group (LASAG)”

Lorna Webster, Partner, and asbestos disease specialist at Hodge Jones & Allen representing the client, said: “We welcome the compensation our client has received as it gives recognition to what he has gone through. Mesothelioma is a horrendous disease and it is shocking that many years after exposure to asbestos dust people are still developing mesothelioma because of their willingness to work hard and learn a trade that was meant to allow them to better their livelihoods and provide for their families. Testicular mesothelioma is very rare, and our client is keen to raise awareness of its existence and hopes that his story will encourage men to seek medical advice if they have any unexplained symptoms, and to ensure their doctors know they have been in contact with asbestos dust in the past.”

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