Successful personal injury settlement for fibreglass sprayer

Emma Hall has recently settled a claim for her client who suffered serious knee and ankle injuries whilst he was working as a fibreglass sprayer. His work involved spraying parts of a water waste system. At the time of his accident, he was bundling paper together after his first shift. This clearing up exercise had not be carried out by others and as he was trampling the paper down the paper his foot stepped on something uneven under the pile of papers, causing him to fall.

Our client sustained a medical meniscal tear to his right knee requiring arthroscopic debridement. He also sustained a rupture to his left ACL which was treated by hamstring ACL reconstruction. He also sustained a soft tissue injury to his left ankle and peroneal tendon subluxation in his right heel.

Emma handled the claim and ensured ongoing rehabilitative treatment for her client, who received damages of £70,000. Commenting on the case, Emma said: “The injuries were significant for my client and he is still affected by the damage caused to his knee and ankle. Employers owe a duty of care to their employees and this accident could clearly have been avoided. I’m glad to have been able to help him secure a settlement to allow him to get his life back on track.”

Emma Hall  is an Associate and Personal Injury Solicitor at Hodge Jones & Allen. She specialises in employers’ and occupiers’ liability cases and road traffic accident claims.