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About Tosin Akinboboye

Tosin Akinboboye joined Hodge Jones & Allen in September 2022, as a Criminal Defence Solicitor, having completed her training contract and qualifying as a solicitor at a respected North London firm. Her criminal defence practice involves representing individuals for a wide range of offence; from minor public order and assaults through to serious and organised crime, drugs, weapons, large-scale fraud and serious sexual offences. Tosin’s extensive experience as an advocate and litigator in these areas has enabled her to secure an acquittal of a multi-handed conspiracy case.

Tosin advocates for clients in the magistrates’ court and has many years of experience in representing those detained at, or voluntarily attending the police station or local authority councils for interview under caution. Tosin has developed a proficiency in drafting written representations to the police and to the Crown Prosecution Service in respect of charging decisions. This proficiency has led to police finding alternative resolutions or avoiding prosecution all together, and taking no further action against an individual, and if criminal proceedings have begun these representations have led to them being later discontinued. Her approach is to proactively put forward a robust defence and not just be reactive to the prosecution case.

Tosin has a particular passion and aptitude for working with children and young adults, navigating them successfully through the youth justice system. Her tactical approach to the representation of young people enables her to offer not only continuity throughout the lifetime of the case but sympathetic direction and practical advice as to what may be achieved ad what to expect at every stage. Tosin works with wider organisations to not only ensure a young person’s safety but to ensure that their growth is not halted by criminal proceedings. She pursues the relevant bodies and authorities and makes them aware of and gets them to respect the special rights given to children who are in the criminal justice system.

Tosin is an avid believer in protecting and advancing an individual’s legal rights.

Further Reading