About Sarah Moulange

Sarah qualified in 2021 and has been working in criminal law since 2016. During this time she has developed a busy and varied practice, representing clients from the police station to the high court. Sarah has represented clients at the police station since 2018 and prides herself on thorough and assertive representation of her clients whilst in custody. Sarah also enjoys raising technical challenges and litigated the case of Oraki v Crown Prosecution Service in 2018, which is now the leading authority on self-defence in relation to the offence of obstruction of a police officer. Sarah has also recently been successful in raising abuse of process challenges on the basis that there has been undue delay in charging.


Sarah also specialises in extradition law representing clients in extradition proceedings before the Magistrates Court and High Court. She has experience in raising numerous challenges to extradition in a variety of jurisdictions. She has succeeded in preventing extradition in numerous cases.

Sarah is particularly interested in representing youths and vulnerable clients. She has successfully argued for clients cases to be dismissed based on clients particular vulnerabilities.

Further Reading