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UK Personal Injury Compensation Calculator

Use our personal injury claims calculator to help you estimate how much compensation you could be entitled to claim.

The calculator will assess the level of General Damages you may be entitled to, which is compensation for your injuries, as well as the level of Special Damages, which is calculated based on the past and future financial losses incurred as a result of the accident. The calculator will take into account the type of injuries you’ve suffered, as well as their severity. 

    Our leading personal injury lawyers are experienced in securing the best possible outcomes for injured people to help you get your life back on track. We work on a no win, no fee basis so there’s no financial risk for you. 

    Learn more by reading our FAQ section below or discuss your case with one of our specialist team. Talk to us today on 0330 822 3451 or request a call back. 


    How do I use the personal injury claims calculator?

    Our compensation calculator is easy and quick to use. Simply click the ‘Start Now’ button and answer each question. Don’t worry if you make a mistake – you can always go back to the previous question or start again.

    Each answer you provide helps our personal injury claim calculator to understand your situation and the impact the accident has had on you and your family. Please answer as best you can to help ensure the compensation estimate given is as accurate as possible.

    While working through our calculator, you may also decide you would prefer to have a confidential call with a member of our Personal Injury team. We’ll be happy to help. Call 0330 822 3451.

    Questions about injuries

    For some injuries, the calculator will ask you to consider the severity of them. Prompts are given to help you accurately assess the level.

    The calculator also allows you to mention multiple injuries that the accident has caused. Please ensure you mention all injuries – however minor – so that we can accurately estimate the value of your claim.

    Questions about finances

    To work out the estimated compensation you may be entitled, you will be asked to give details of your loss of earnings and expenses you’ve had to incur due to your injury.

    Try to answer as accurately as possible, but worry if you don’t have the exact numbers to hand. Our specialist personal injury lawyers can help you once your claim is underway.


    talk to one of the team today on
    0330 822 3451
    or request a call back.
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    How accurate is the personal injury claim calculator?

    Our UK personal injury claim calculator is intended to provide a guideline compensation figure, based on the official compensation guidelines set out by the Judicial College Guidelines.

    The calculator isn’t able to give you an exact figure because this will depend upon a number of individual factors including the severity of the injuries, the psychological impact, the recovery time, the financial impact and the result of negotiations between your lawyer and the party responsible for your accident.

    Our personal injury claim calculator is designed to be the first step you take when you’re thinking of making a personal injury claim, but aren’t sure if it will be worthwhile. We understand the stress of your situation and our specialist lawyers are here to help get everything back on track. Use our calculator to help you decide whether you’d like to pursue your claim.

    Our specialist personal injury solicitors can help provide you with a more accurate estimate when we learn more about your situation. At the start of your claim, your lawyer will also discuss any fees and costs that apply to your claim. We offer no win no fee agreements, which mean you won’t have to pay any costs upfront, but some deductions might come from your compensation figure if your claim is successful.

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    No win no fee agreements

    At Hodge Jones & Allen, we handle and settle personal injury throughout the year. Our no win no fee agreements, also known as Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs), help protect you from financial risk when making a claim.

    Our injury claim calculator is a good first step if you’re thinking of making a personal injury accident claim but are feeling hesitant about the process and whether you wish to pursue a claim.

    Our claims calculator is designed for people who have experienced various different injuries or accidents. Whatever your accident or injury our calculator will help you to understand the amount of compensation you could receive based on typical settlements for personal injury in England & Wales.

    Whether you’re looking for immediate guidance or are ready to start your claim, you can talk to our team of personal injury specialists today on 0330 822 3451 or request a call back.

    "I would recommend this solicitors firm, I had a work related accident back in 2019, I got in touch with [these] solicitors October 2020. They took my claim on and all the way though, they have advised and kept me up to date with everything. I would like to say if you have a accident at work with no fault of your own, then get in touch with this firm."

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    How Hodge Jones & Allen can help

    Our leading personal injury lawyers are here to help you. In addition to our commitment to securing you the compensation you deserve, our team place your rehabilitation and recovery at the centre of your claim.

    We regularly help our clients to access private treatment and rehabilitation that may not be available on the NHS, and work closely with specialist charity and support groups who can help to support you. 

    Our teams have been successfully pursuing claims for over 40 years, using their specialist skills, experience, empathy and efficient procedures to deal with your claim as quickly as possible. Everything we do is designed to ease your stress and bring your claim success. 

    Legal 500 UK -Top-Tier-Rirm-2023“Hodge Jones & Allen is a well known and popular claimant law firm, with a reputation for taking on complex cases that require excellent legal knowledge and courage.” – Legal 500, 2023


    Hodge Jones & Allen_Chambers 2023_pngOur Personal Injury team has been ranked in the Chambers & Partners 2023 legal directory. The team was described as “highly consistent and attentive” and were praised for providing “well-thought-through advice” our clients “could trust”.

    talk to our team now on
    0330 822 3451
    or request a call back.
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    Meet our team of legal experts
    view all
    Leticia Williams
    Leticia Williams
    Anne Sanders
    Anne Sanders
    Daniel Denton
    Daniel Denton
    Ken Brough
    Ken Brough
    Louise Jukes
    Louise Jukes
    Patrick Allen
    Patrick Allen
    Senior Partner
    Riffat Yaqub
    Riffat Yaqub
    Afiya Begum
    Afiya Begum
    Andrew James
    Senior Associate
    Araba Quartey
    Araba Quartey
    Senior Paralegal
    Arifah Tahir
    Arifah Tahir
    Ashleigh Pearson
    Ashleigh Pearson
    Cigdem Hasirci
    Cigdem Hasirci
    Denise Doherty
    Denise Doherty
    Chartered Legal Executive
    Emma Hall
    Senior Associate
    Jack Foran
    Karen Mann
    Karen Mann
    Senior Associate
    Mandhir Seera
    Melinda Katsiaounis
    Melinda Katsiaounis
    Sarah Townsend
    Sarah Townsend
    Usheena Patel
    Usheena Patel

    Successful cases

    Cycling & Bike Accident Claims
    Our client was cycling in London when a car coming from the opposite direction, pulled across his path into a parking bay and knocked him off his bike.
    nature of injury
    Open spiral fracture to right leg
    damages awarded
    Fatal Accident & Injuries
    Our client was riding a motorbike which hit another motorbike which was lying down in the road after a previous accident. He was subsequently hit by a car killing him.
    nature of injury
    fatal accident
    damages awarded
    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
    Our client was employed as a forklift truck driver. His work colleague was operating a forklift truck and moving a concrete block (of an estimated weight of 2 tonnes) when he dropped it onto some timber, which fell, injuring our clients leg and crushing his ankle. As result, our client sustained significant physical problems and psychological symptoms.
    nature of injury
    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
    damages awarded
    Serious & Complex Injury
    Our client was walking home and as he went to cross a pelican crossing that was showing a green man, he was hit by the defendant at least 40mph who had run a red light.
    nature of injury
    bruising to the brain
    damages awarded
    Passenger Injury Claims
    Our client was a passenger in a car. Unbeknown to the client, the driver of the vehicle was driving without insurance. The driver of the vehicle in which the client was travelling was speeding and he lost control of the car and crashed into a lamppost. The client suffered significant injury. The client was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected from the car.
    nature of injury
    fractured skull
    damages awarded
    Motorbike Accident Claims
    one of our clients sat as a pillion passenger on a motorbike, driving on the main road. As a result of dangerous driving, a car pulled out of a side road and collided with the motorbike, knocking our client unconscious. Our client sustained complex regional pain syndrome from this accident. If the driver had been more careful and aware of their surroundings, this accident would not have occurred.
    nature of injury
    complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
    damages awarded
    Road Traffic Accident
    Client hit on the leg by a reversing car. She had an operation on her knee and a plate was put in. She will not be able to walk for 3 months.
    nature of injury
    broken knee
    damages awarded
    Road Traffic Accident
    Our client was a pedestrian standing on the pavement when a car mounted the pavement and collided with him. As a result, our client had four broken toes, a crushing injury to his heel and his instep and had to undergo a number of skin graft operations. He continues to suffer from his injuries and requires assistance with many crucial aspects of living.
    nature of injury
    client suffered a degloving injury to his left foot
    damages awarded
    Brain Injury
    Our client, a Swedish national, was walking near Waterloo Station in the early hours when he was struck by a taxi, causing catastrophic injuries, including a severe traumatic brain injury, multiple skull and facial fractures, nine fractured ribs and punctured lungs. His injuries have had a major impact on his quality of life, as he is unable to work and requires 24/7 care.
    nature of injury
    catastrophic brain injury
    damages awarded
    £2.78 million (32 million SKR)
    Personal Injury
    Our client whilst away in a hotel contracted legionnaires' disease as a result of poor water and ventilation system. On returning home, they started to experience flu-like symptoms and spent two weeks under intensive care.
    nature of injury
    Legionnaires' Disease
    damages awarded
    Personal Injury
    Our client had an accident in their home. They opened a newly-installed window which came away from its fixings and as a result fell on their head and pinned them to the floor, which in turn knocked them unconscious. Our client initially appeared to have memory/amnesia symptoms. Paramedics were called as they appeared confused and forgetful, so were taken to hospital and treated for a head injury. In the weeks following the incident our client had ongoing neck pain, migraines, headaches and concussion, which required medication.
    nature of injury
    neck injury, minor head injury symptoms, concussion, headaches & migraines.
    damages awarded
    Personal Injury
    Our client was loading a dumper truck onto the back of a lorry when they slipped off the lorry and their arm was crushed by the roll bar of the dumper. The colleagues who were with them at the time helped to get them up and call for an ambulance. Our client completely broken 2 bones in their lower arm, had to have a skin graft and their blood vessels were severely damaged near their wrist. Our client had to have multiple operations and whilst their walking and hand movement is still limited, they hope to recover movement with ongoing therapy.
    nature of injury
    Arm crushed at work
    damages awarded
    accidents at work
    Our client suffered an accident at work. He was walking up a metal staircase, leading to an office, on site when he slipped on the wet slippery staircase causing him to fall down several steps. No caution signs were displayed to alert people to the dangers of water on the metal stairs and there were no foot grips on the stairs. As a result of the fall our client suffered a dislocated shoulder and potential ongoing nerve damage. Our client undergoes ongoing physiotherapy treatment.
    nature of injury
    fall on stairs at work
    damages awarded
    accidents at work
    Our client was a self-employed carpenter sub contracted to build a framework. Whilst on site he cleared away plywood from his working area and whilst doing so fell three metres down to the next floor. He had not been informed of the hole and, from his fall, he sustained two broken vertebrae, and required surgery to insert two rods and 6 screws to stabilise his spine. There were a good number of people working at the site but nobody made him aware that plywood had been used to cover up the hole. Our client has not worked since the accident and struggles with many daily tasks that, before his accident, he would have found find quite easy to undertake. Further surgery has been undertaken and physio is ongoing.
    nature of injury
    sub-contractor injured on work site
    damages awarded
    View all

    Frequently asked questions

    How do I start a personal injury claim?

    You can start your claim today by getting in touch with our specialist team. From there, we’ll look to get a full understanding of your situation, advise on whether we think you have grounds to make a claim and offer the best course of action.

    We’ll be there to guide you through the whole thing and take care of all of the complexities involved. Talk to us today on 0330 822 3451.

    Who pays the compensation for my personal injury claim?

    If your personal injury claim is successful, the party who is at fault will pay. In most cases, that party in question will have an insurance provider. We’ll negotiate with on the compensation figure.

    Can I make an a claim on behalf of someone who has died?

    There are 2 types of statutory claims under the following:

    Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1974

    This is a claim brought on behalf of the Estate. The claim would usually be brought by the executor or administrator of the deceased’s Estate.

    The Fatal Accidents Act 1976

    This is made by Dependants of the deceased.  This may include the wife/husband/civil partner of the deceased, the former wife/husband/civil partner of the deceased, a parent of the deceased, any person who was treated by the deceased as his parent, a child or any other descendant of the deceased. It can also include any person who is or is the issue of a brother, sister, uncle or aunt of the deceased.

    Learn more here.

    How much will a claim cost me?

    Under a ‘no win, no fee’ agreement, you will only pay for our services if you win your case and receive damages. If you lose your case, your accident claim will not cost you any money in legal fees. Alternative funding options are also available to you depending on the circumstances of your case. We can explore these with you when you call.

    Our lawyers will arrange an insurance policy for you. The policy covers any liability to pay for disbursements and the costs of your opponents. The premium for the policy is self-insured, which means you do not have to pay for the policy in advance.

    How long will my claim take?

    A claim can vary in terms of the time taken to complete. This will depend on a number of factors including:

    • The extent of your injuries
    • The length of time you’ve been in hospital and/or at home and off work
    • The care required
    • Whether the other side admits responsibility

    A simple claim, where there is an admission of liability and your injury is relatively minor, can be finished in a matter of weeks. However, if there’s no admission of liability and your injuries are more serious, cases can take considerably longer. This is because the case will involve more in-depth evidence gathering and consultation with experts. It may also be necessary to issue court proceedings.

    We’ll be able to give you a better idea of timescales once you have told your lawyer more about your case and we’ll always keep you updated throughout the process.

    What's the time limit for making an injury compensation claim?

    With any personal injury claim, there are strict time limits that need to be adhered to. You have three years after the injury occurred, which is usually the date of the accident, to make your claim.

    There are some exceptions to this rule for claims for medical accidents (known as medical negligence), where the injury or condition may not become apparent for years. In these circumstances, the time limit period may begin on the date that you became aware.

    Learn more here.

    Further Reading
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