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Claim Compensation For Car Accident Injury

When you get into a car, you expect to reach your destination in the same condition as you set off. Although most of the time you do arrive unscathed, accidents can and do happen.

If you have recently been involved in a car accident that has left you with a personal injury, we understand how difficult it can be. There’s both the physical and mental effect to navigate, and this can be an ongoing process. 

If you are one of the 91,000 people injured in car accidents each year, we can help. As expert personal injury solicitors, our experienced team has helped thousands of people to win car accident compensation. No matter the kind of trauma you have gone through, we are on hand to help. 

If you have been injured in a car accident in the last three years and it was someone else’s fault, get in touch for an initial free consultation with one of our compassionate personal injury solicitors.  

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Legal 500 UK - Top Tier Firm-2025

“A very impressive claimant Personal Injury practice. From my experience of them, the team are very experienced, knowledgeable and highly professional.” “Excellent understanding of a claimant’s needs when running a case. Good strength in depth.” – Legal 500, 2025

HJA Chambers firm logo 2025Our Personal Injury team has been ranked in the Chambers & Partners 2025 legal directory. The team was praised for being “knowledgeable, experienced and responsive to queries.”

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0330 822 3451

    Specialist solicitors from our personal injury team explain how they work closely with you throughout the personal injury claims process to help get your life back on track.


    What are car accident compensation claims?

    If you have been involved in a car accident through no fault of your own, you may be able to make a car accident compensation claim

    Car accident compensation claims are designed to reimburse you for your injuries and any financial losses that have occurred because of your injury. A car accident injury claim aims to put you back into a similar position as you were in before your accident. 

    If your car accident has meant that you have either lost income or the ability to lead a normal life, you may be eligible to make a car accident compensation claim.

    To see how much compensation you may be able to claim, try our personal injury compensation calculator.

    "Anne Sanders my solicitor in the case has reached an amazing settlement of £150,000... Thank you for all you have done for me and the amazing outcome from which this terrible experience has caused me."

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    What injuries can I claim for?

    If you have recently been involved in a car accident, you might find yourself wondering whether your injuries can be compensated. The good news is that it is possible to claim for any injury if it is the result of a car accident and you are not the one at fault. 

    Some of the most common injuries to claim for include:

    If you have suffered an injury that is not included above, you can still make a claim. If you would like to discuss whether you might be able to make an injury claim after a car accident, contact us on 0330 822 3451. Our team is on hand to offer advice, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    For an estimate of how much you could claim for your injury, please see our personal injury compensation calculator.

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    Who can make a car accident injury claim?

    Car accident claims are not just for those behind the wheel.

    Many car accidents involve pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists too. If you have been involved in an accident, we can help you get the car accident compensation you deserve, even if you were not driving at the time. If you’re injured as a result of being a passenger, you might be able to make a claim.

    Alternatively, if your child or a child you’re responsible for has been injured in a car accident, our team of award-winning solicitors can help put things right.

    Take a look at our personal injury compensation calculator to see how much your claim could be worth.

    get in touch with us today
    0330 822 3451
    or request a call back.
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    How do car accident compensation claims work?

    If we agree to take on your case, making a claim is simple. 

    The first step is gathering all the information we need to work out who should be held accountable for your injuries. We’ll also look to get a better understanding of your injury to identify what rehabilitation you may need. 

    Once we have a clear picture of who is ultimately responsible for your injuries, we will look to get an admission of fault. If someone else accepts responsibility for your injuries, you may be able to get early car accident compensation to cover some upfront costs for things such as healthcare or rehabilitation. 

    Normally, we will be able to agree on how much compensation you should be awarded with your opponent. This means that the majority of cases do not go to court.

    What if I do have to go to court?

    At Hodge Jones & Allen, we understand that you have been through enough already. That is why we will always try to get an admission of liability from the culpable party. If we can do this, we will settle your case out of court.  

    However, sometimes solicitors do need to issue court proceedings. This typically happens if the person responsible refuses to admit fault or the value of your claim is being disputed.

    While this can sound intimidating, with the right legal guidance, you can be confident you are giving yourself the best chance of success.

    When you choose to make a car accident injury claim with us by your side, you can rest assured that we will take you through every stage of the courts process. We are on hand to answer your questions and will always make sure you feel fully prepared. We’ll be fighting your corner every step of the way.

    "The team at HJA showed empathy and the highest level of professionalism to my situation, and turned around a possible injustice, in not getting compensation, for an accident the driver had admitted liability for which had seriously impacted on both my physical and mental well being... I wouldn't give 5 stars if it wasn't deserved and it certainly was in my case."

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    What is a No Win No Fee car accident claim?

    If you have been involved in a car accident, you may already be feeling the pinch of financial losses. 

    That is why we offer most of our cases on a No Win No Fee basis. Also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), No Win No Fee cases mean you can make a claim without the financial burden. 

    With these types of claims, you will not pay us anything unless you win. All our CFAs are backed up by insurance, so you can relax knowing there is no financial risk to you. Only when you have won your case will we take a pre-agreed percentage of your settlement figure.

    As experts in car accident claims, if we agree to take on your case on a No Win No Fee basis, you have a 98% chance of winning. 

    talk to us on
    0330 822 3451
    or request a call back.
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    How are car accident claims classified?

    Most police forces in the UK will group your injuries into four categories (plus an additional category for fatalities). The categories are as follows:

    1. Slight – These injuries include everything from whiplash to bruising, soft tissue damage and even shock. Slight injuries also include minor cuts.  
    2. Less serious – Although distressing, if you suffer minor head injuries, broken bones, or deep cuts, these are classified as less serious injuries. Broken bones are confined to places such as the hands, arms, collarbones, ankles, feet, or legs. 
    3. Moderately serious – If you have suffered from a fracture to your thigh or pelvis or sustained chest injuries or deep wounds, these are classed as moderately serious injuries. 
    4. Very serious – If you have broken your neck or spine, this is deemed very serious. You will also be classified as having a very serious injury if you have a severe head, chest, or crush injury that meant you lost consciousness or struggled to breathe properly. 


    As experts in car accident injury claims, we understand the physical and psychological harm that stays with you following an accident. Whether you have suffered from a slight injury or something very serious, we are here to help you get back on track again. 

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    How long does a car accident injury claim take?

    It’s natural to wonder how long you might be waiting to get the compensation you deserve. However, it’s important to know that the amount of time your claim will take depends on:

    1. How serious your injuries are (the more serious your injury, the longer it is likely to take)
    2. Whether your opponent accepts responsibility for your injuries 

    If you have suffered from a minor injury and your opponent happily accepts culpability, your car accident claim can be settled in just a few months. 

    On the other hand, if you have suffered from severe or even life-changing injuries and your opponent is not willing to accept responsibility for what has happened to you, your claim will take longer. This is because we will have to gather more medical evidence to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. 

    Although you might be tempted to rush into making a claim, it is normally a good idea to wait for your injuries to settle before you bring your case. This is so that you can understand the full impact of your injuries so the right compensation can be sought. 

    Hit and run claims may also take longer if the police or insurance companies are unable to locate the driver that caused your injuries. 

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    How long do I have to make personal injury claims after a car accident in the UK?

    You normally have three years after the date of your accident to make a claim. However, it is always a good idea to get the ball rolling as soon as possible. By contacting us quickly, we can begin the investigation while everything is still fresh in the minds of all parties. 

    Although you normally have three years to bring a claim, there are some exceptions. These include:


    • Mental capacity – If your loved one is unable to make a claim themselves due to their capacity, there are no time limits.
    • Children – Claims for a child can be made at any point before your child turns 18. After that, you will have until their 21st birthday.
    • Accidents abroad – If you have been injured in an accident abroad, the time limit may be shorter than in the UK.
    • Criminal injuries – If your injuries were caused by a deliberate criminal act, you can make a claim with the Criminal Injury Compensation Authority. If you choose to go down this route, you will have two years from the date of the accident.

    To see how much compensation you may be able to claim for your injury, please see our personal injury compensation calculator.

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    Why choose Hodge Jones & Allen as your car accident injury claim lawyers?

    If you have suffered from a car accident injury, we understand how it can impact not only your mental and physical health, but your life. Here at Hodge Jones & Allen, our team of dedicated personal injury solicitors has over 45 years of experience. We are here to help people who have suffered from car accident injuries to make claims

    As one of The Times’ Top 200 Best Law Firms in 2024, you can count on us to provide precise, clear legal advice that always has your best interests at heart. We believe that you have been through enough, which is why we handle every case with compassion, care, and commitment. 

    As experts in car accident claims, we understand that every case is different. This is why we are committed to ensuring that your needs and rehabilitation come first, always. 

    To get your life back to where it was before your accident, the first step is getting in touch with us using our simple online form or by giving us a call. Our team of expert solicitors are expert listeners who will look to understand what is happened to you as part of your initial consultation. Then, we will advise on the best next steps. 

    get in touch with our expert solicitors on
    0330 822 3451
    or request a call back.
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    Meet The Team
    view all
    Leticia Williams
    Leticia Williams
    Anne Sanders
    Anne Sanders
    Daniel Denton
    Daniel Denton
    Ken Brough
    Ken Brough
    Louise Jukes
    Louise Jukes
    Patrick Allen
    Patrick Allen
    Senior Partner
    Riffat Yaqub
    Riffat Yaqub
    Afiya Begum
    Afiya Begum
    Andrew James
    Senior Associate
    Araba Quartey
    Araba Quartey
    Senior Paralegal
    Arifah Tahir
    Arifah Tahir
    Cigdem Hasirci
    Cigdem Hasirci
    Denise Doherty
    Denise Doherty
    Chartered Legal Executive
    Emma Hall
    Senior Associate
    Jack Foran
    Karen Mann
    Karen Mann
    Senior Associate
    Melinda Katsiaounis
    Melinda Katsiaounis
    Ronan Stewart
    Rónán Stewart
    Sarah Townsend
    Sarah Townsend
    Shabina Bird
    Shabina Bird
    Usheena Patel
    Usheena Patel

    Successful Case

    Car Accident Claims
    Acted for a self-employed gardener who was driving uphill when the Defendant driver sped out of a junction and collided with the Claimant’s left hand side of his vehicle. The Claimant suffered permanent injuries to his right hand and injuries to his right knee and neck. He also began to suffer from migraines.
    nature of injury
    Permanent Injuries to right hand, right knee and migraines
    damages awarded
    View all

    Car accident claims FAQs

    To help you decide whether making a car accident claim is for you, we have compiled some answers to our most frequently asked questions below.

    What do I claim for when in a car accident?

    If you have been in a car accident, you might be wondering what you can claim. In general, you make a car accident claim to win compensation (otherwise known as ‘damages’). Normally, you can claim two types of damages after you have been in a car accident.

    • General damages – For your direct pain and suffering. General damages compensate you for the impact your injuries have had on your quality life and your ability to live life as you normally would. 
    • Special damages – Compensate you for the financial loss you have incurred because of your accident. For example, if you can no longer work or you require additional medical care that is costing you money, special damages will look to compensate you for it.  

    To see how much compensation you may be able to claim, try our personal injury compensation calculator.

    How much compensation might I receive?

    This depends on the nature and severity of your injuries, as well as any losses you have suffered as a result of your injury. 

    Although it is difficult to say exactly how much compensation you could be entitled to, our personal injury compensation calculator uses figures from the judicial college guidelines to give an estimate. 

    Can I claim for my mental health after an accident?

    Yes, you can. Anxiety is a common side effect of a car accident. As such, you can make a car accident claim to compensate you for your suffering. 

    Although there is no set amount that you can claim for your mental health, the amount you will receive depends on the impact it has had on your wellbeing and whether you have incurred financial costs. 

    However, it’s important to note that you can’t claim for your mental health if you don’t have any physical injuries.  

    Will I need a medical exam?

    Yes, you will. You will need a medical examination to determine the extent of your injuries and the impact they have had on your quality of life. Without this, we cannot accurately work out how much compensation you are entitled to.

    What happens if my opponent refuses to accept liability?

    Unfortunately, there are some instances where your opponent will not willingly accept responsibility for what has happened to you. Although frustrating, that does not mean you cannot claim. 

    If this happens, you will normally need to wait for the criminal case to be settled before you can seek compensation.

    Can I claim compensation if I have had a life-changing injury?

    Yes, you can. At Hodge Jones & Allen, we believe in getting justice for all victims of car accidents. No matter whether you have had a small shunt or a crash that resulted in life-changing injuries, we can help. 

    If you are anxious about getting the right amount of compensation, choosing us makes sense. As an award-winning firm with a compassionate personal injury team, we are used to dealing with these types of car accident compensation claims

    As we win over 98% of our personal injury claims after a car accident, when you choose us, you will be free to focus on your recovery while we handle the rest. 

    To discuss your claim or for expert help and advice, get in touch with us on 0330 822 3451

    To see how much compensation you may be able to claim for your injury, please see our personal injury compensation calculator.

    Can I claim if I caused the accident or was partly at fault?

    If you caused the accident, you will not be able to claim compensation. However, if the accident was partly your fault, you might still be able to make a car accident compensation claim. In this case, the amount you could be awarded will be less because of your involvement in the crash. 

    If you are not sure whether you are to blame or if your actions have meant you are unable to make a claim, speak with us on 0330 822 3451. Our team of award-winning solicitors will listen to your circumstances, free of judgement, and advise on whether you could bring an injury claim after your car accident

    What should I do if the other side's insurer has made me an early offer?

    We would always suggest being cautious until you have independent legal advice. 

    A lot of the time, motor insurance companies make an early offer to settle a claim as quickly as possible. Although it is good to receive your car accident compensation promptly, if you accept these early offers, you might get less than if you were to pursue a claim.

    Can I bring an injury claim after a car accident if I was the victim of a hit and run?

    Yes, you can. If you are unable to claim on insurance, you might be able to claim with the Motor Insurers Bureau. This organisation was set up specifically to help compensate victims of hit and runs.

    Can I claim if my accident was due to poor conditions?

    You might be able to, yes. In the UK, every bit of road and pavement is the responsibility of somebody. If you have a crash because of poor road conditions (such as potholes or cracks in the road), you might be able to bring a car accident injury claim against your local council or Highways England

    If you believe that the roads were unsafe and that resulted in your accident, speak to our trained solicitors today. 

    Can I claim if my accident was the result of an animal?

    Potentially, yes. Although nobody wishes to hit an animal on the road, sometimes it is unavoidable. If an animal has caused you to have an accident, you might be able to make a claim, depending on the type of animal that was hit. 

    If you hit a wild animal, unfortunately, you cannot make an injury claim after a car accident. If you hit a pet animal or livestock, you can make a car accident claim if you can establish negligence on the part of the owner or farmer. 

    Under UK law, you must report your accident to the police if you hit one of the following animals – failure to do so is a criminal offence:

    • Donkey or mule
    • Dog
    • Horse
    • Cow 
    • Goat
    • Sheep
    • Pig

    Can I still make a car accident claim if I was not wearing a seatbelt?

    In the UK, it is a legal requirement to wear a seatbelt. 

    But if you were not wearing one when you had your accident, you are not necessarily barred from claiming compensation. The compensation you receive will just be lower if you were not wearing a seatbelt when you were injured.

    Can I make a car accident passenger claim?

    You can. It is important to remember that passengers can also have serious injuries because of a car accident. For this reason, passengers are entitled to claim car accident compensation, despite not being behind the wheel. 

    How much compensation you are entitled to will be decided according to the same criteria that is used for assessing the driver’s claim. 

    Can I make an injury claim after a car accident if I was a passenger when the driver had been drinking or taking drugs?

    Yes, you can. Although you can still make a car accident passenger claim, if you knew the driver had been drinking or taking drugs when you got in their vehicle, the compensation you receive will be reduced.

    Can I make a cyclist car accident claim?

    Although cycling is a great way to keep fit, cyclists are vulnerable on the road. Unfortunately, this means that many cyclists are involved in accidents each year. Even if you are careful while you are out on your bike, you cannot account for reckless drivers or unsafe roads. 

    If you have had an accident on your bike, you might be able to claim cycling car accident compensation if you have suffered injury or loss because of:

    • Negligence from another road user 
    • Poorly maintained roads 
    • Equipment malfunctioning

    To find out whether you could make a cyclist car accident claim, call us for a free consultation on 0330 822 3451.

    My insurance company has recommended a solicitor. Do I need to use them?

    No, you don’t. It is common for insurance companies to recommend solicitors, but you can choose whichever solicitor you like. When choosing your personal injury solicitor, it is important to pick a lawyer that you feel comfortable discussing your personal matters with – and one that listens. 

    At Hodge Jones & Allen, we believe communication between clients and solicitors is key. 


    Further Reading
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