Family & Relationship Services

Divorce Solicitors

Vanessa Friend
Vanessa Friend
Phoebe Hill
Phoebe Hill
Raj Bhattoa
Raj Bhattoa
Sarah Norma-Scott
Sarah Norman-Scott
Hannah Yellop
Hannah Yellop
Jessica Wells
Jessica Wells
Lauren Viegas
Lauren Viegas
Rebecca Coates
Rebecca Coates
Senior Associate

Deciding to apply for a divorce can be very difficult, especially when children, property and other assets are involved. We understand that it may feel overwhelming.

It might be the first time you’ve had to approach the divorce process and this may be daunting and unfamiliar to you. Our team of expert divorce lawyers are compassionate yet efficient are here to help you. We work closely with you to make sure the process is easy and clear, all while putting you in the best possible position.

Getting divorce advice at the earliest stage can be hugely beneficial. Call our team to discuss starting and financing your divorce application, your rights and how we can support you through this distressing time in your life.

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Legal 500 UK - Top Tier Firm-2025

Do I need a divorce lawyer?

If you’ve decided that you’d like to file for divorce, it is not a legal requirement to seek legal advice. You can go through the different stages of divorce yourself but it can be a lengthy, complex process that might add unnecessary confusion and stress.

There are many situations in which tension can build. Whether that’s agreeing on an appropriate divorce settlement and consent order or making arrangements for your children, organising a divorce involves upsetting conversations. These matters can be complicated and distressing, especially if the breakdown of your marriage has been violent or sudden, so consulting the expertise of a qualified divorce solicitor can help to take some away of the pressure.

Contact our specialist divorce lawyers on
0330 822 3451
or request a callback.
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How can our divorce lawyers help you

We can offer help, support, and expert legal guidance across every part of the divorce process in the UK in the following areas:

  • Division of the assets. We specialise in assisting with financial arrangements, however complex.
  • Family mediation: Through mediation, we strive to help families engage in discussions together so that the best possible circumstances can be arranged.
  • Civil partnership dissolution: If you’d like to formally leave a civil partnership, our family law team is here to advise you on dissolution. We offer support throughout the process and its outcomes.
  • Child law: It’s always best for children if parents can reach an agreement quickly and amicably. When this isn’t possible, we can help you put together an effective parenting plan and reach a solution through arbitration and roundtable meetings, if necessary.
  • Domestic abuse: We know that domestic violence affects people of all genders and can make the divorce process even harder. If you’d like to discuss legal protection for yourself and your children, we’ll support you with the strictest confidentiality.

"My husband and I are getting divorced and needed help to agree the financial settlement. Relations and communications between us had become very difficult and strained so we attended mediation with Vanessa Friend. Always calm, clear and professional, Vanessa helped us to navigate and overcome the tensions between us and we were eventually able to reach agreement. Vanessa made what felt like an impossible situation feel manageable and I’m very grateful to her. Would highly recommend her services."

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Why choose Hodge Jones & Allen as your divorce solicitors?

Our personalised approach

We recognise how important and sensitive the divorce process is for you. That’s why we always endeavour to respond quickly and are here for you whenever you need us. Our divorce solicitors are committed to constructive and conciliatory solutions, by negotiation or mediation, wherever possible. But when court proceedings are necessary, we are tenacious and robust in our approach.

Expert divorce team

Our leading divorce solicitors in London and Liverpool are well-renowned specialists. We’re regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. All our divorce lawyers are also members of the Law Society and Resolution.

We can assist couples with many matters to be resolved during a divorce. These include property, maintenance, pension provision, support for children, school fees and more. Our goal is to help couples reach an agreement via solicitor-led negotiation, mediation, collaborative law and court proceedings if necessary.

Industry recognition

We’ve been recognised as a leading firm by the Legal 500 and as one of Chambers and Partners’ top firms. We have proven success acting in numerous complex and high-profile cases, so we’re confident that we can offer you the highest-quality service.

Honest advice

We will explain the process clearly and keep you informed about what is happening at each stage.

We provide excellent value for money. Our team of divorce lawyers will advise you on the best and most effective strategy to take and will never approach a case from a litigation perspective. We’re fully transparent about the cost of our work and we will always provide estimates of what your matter will cost before we start helping you.

"The team are well resourced to cover all client levels, from modest to ultra high net worth clients. They provide excellent advice at all levels." - Legal 500 UK, 2025

Contact our family law specialist team on
0330 822 3451
or request a call back.
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How can I apply for divorce?

The process starts with applying for divorce with the family court. You need to be able to prove that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. Either party can make an application for divorce but this can also be done by way of a joint application.

Fault-based reasons for divorce are no longer legally required. The new-no fault procedure came into force on 6 April 2022, as part of the amendments made under the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020.

If you’re thinking about how to get a divorce, it’s best to ensure that you’re fully informed of your options and the issues you’ll have to consider throughout the process.

We always recommend seeking early professional advice to make sure you’re aware of all the steps involved. We will go through the process with you and explain what will happen and when. We provide clear, understandable and effective advice and we always aim to ensure that your requirements are met.

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I am thinking about getting a divorce. What should I do?

Talk to your partner 

If possible, you should talk it through with your partner first.

The events leading up to this conversation might be a sensitive subject but you should always aim for constructive communication. Try to express how you feel, openly discussing your reasons for wanting a divorce. This is especially important when children are involved.

Seek legal advice

It is important that you are comfortable with your chosen divorce solicitor.

Ideally, you should feel confident that they understand your legal needs and the emotional aspects of your situation equally. Choose a solicitor who will be available to answer your questions and support you throughout the journey. Once they know your circumstances, your legal team will be able to advise you on the best strategy and approach to take.

Our specialist divorce solicitors can help you conclude the divorce process and to reach an agreement regarding the matrimonial finances. This agreement can then be drawn up into a Consent Order which will need to be sealed by a Judge in order to become legally binding. The Consent Order can record what will happen to the family assets, debts and income and whether there will be ongoing maintenance payments.

"My lawyer Vanessa Friend was amazing. She was sensitive to my legal, psychological and financial needs and guided me with professional expertise, and wisdom tailored to my specific needs"

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How does the divorce process work?

STEP 1: The divorce application

Divorce proceedings start when you apply for divorce at a family court. You must first decide whether it will be a sole application or a joint one, which must be by agreement with your spouse/partner. The court will then allocate a court reference to the application, which is then classed as issued.

The person who submits the application is known as the applicant. It must enclose a copy of the original marriage certificate. If you’ve lost this document, you can request a copy from the Register of Births and Deaths.

STEP 2: Acknowledgement

In the case of a sole application, the court now waits for the other person in the marriage, called the respondent, to reply. This is carried out by filling out and returning a form called the acknowledgement of service. When the court receives it, the matter can proceed.

If you’ve been married for less than a year, it is possible to commence judicial separation or annul your marriage. You should bear in mind that judicial separation proceedings will not terminate the marriage and you would not be free to re-marry.

STEP 3: 20-week wait period

Once the divorce application is issued, there is a 20-week period before the applicant(s) can apply for a conditional order, which is the first official stage of the divorce. This is meant to be a period of reflection for both parties to consider:

  • Whether they truly want to separate permanently
  • Arrangements connected to the divorce settlement such as division of capital, maintenance payments and child maintenance payments, if applicable
  • If possible, shared care and parenting arrangements for children

STEP 4: The final order

Couples can apply for the final order six weeks after the conditional order is granted. The final order legally ends a marriage or civil partnership and both people are then free to marry again.

Once the final order has been signed, the divorce financial settlement needs to be concluded too. This is not an automatic process and it’s the main area where people rely on assistance from professional divorce lawyers.


Call our specialist divorce lawyers on
0330 822 3451
or request a callback.
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How much does a divorce cost in the UK?

Our leading divorce solicitors typically work on an agreed hourly rate, which varies depending on their seniority. Once we’ve taken the time to get to know your individual circumstances, your solicitor will be able to provide you with a cost estimate.

  • We offer a first consultation with an experienced divorce lawyer at a fixed fee rate of £400 plus VAT.

During this meeting, your lawyer will explain to you the legal processes of divorce, finances and children (if applicable). Based on your circumstances, we will advise you on options for resolution of the matters that arise out of separation. During this meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask all of your most important questions.

How much does a divorce cost if both parties agree?

In simple divorce cases where everything has been agreed between both parties in advance:

  • You may be able to opt for a fixed-fee divorce service, which is £499 plus VAT, plus the court fee of £593. This applies whether the application is a sole or joint one.

It’s always worth noting that your costs might be different if your divorce is more complex or if we need to work with you for longer than expected. If you’d like to know more about the cost of divorce, please see our page on the increase in family court fees.

"I am and always will be very grateful to you for your diligent, caring way you dealt with this case and your kindness in doing so as quickly and cost effectively as possible."

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Contact divorce solicitors near you today

Please get in touch with our specialist team on 0330 822 3451 to enquire today. We have expert divorce solicitors in London and Liverpool ready to help you start and finish the process efficiently and honestly.

"Kind, considered and professional advice with a reasonable billing policy and a pro-active approach. I would definitely recommend the practice."

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Frequently asked questions

How long does a dvorce take?

In the UK, each divorce timeline will vary according to the individual case. If there are no complications, partners can expect the process to take between seven and 12 months.

What is the difference between divorce and separation?


  • The legal process where on completion there is the dissolution of a marriage. For civil partnerships, this is known as the dissolution process.
  • You need to have been married for more than one year to be eligible to divorce.


  • A formal separation without legally ending the marriage is known as judicial separation and is a legal process.
  • An informal separation can be done by a Deed of Separation.
  • Separation does not require you to show that a marriage has broken down irretrievably.
  • This is an option for those who are against divorce on religious grounds, have been married less than a year or have decided not to divorce just yet.

We are getting a divorce but we have already agreed on childcare arrangements. Do we still need the court to approve?

If you and your partner have reached a mutual agreement concerning childcare, you don’t need to go to court. The courts will only get involved if you can’t agree on these issues or if the child’s welfare is a matter of serious concern.

My ex-partner and I are arguing about the level of contact with our children. How can we sort this out?

We recommend that you seek advice from experienced family law solicitors who can talk you through the options for resolving the dispute. These can include solicitor-led negotiation, mediation or, if all else fails, an application to the court.

Most cases don’t have to end up in court and can be resolved by agreement. Sometimes, it takes guidance from a divorce lawyer for people to know their rights and options.

What am I entitled to if I divorce my husband/wife?

This usually requires financial disclosure from both parties so that a lawyer can advise you on a fair and appropriate financial settlement. When a divorce financial settlement is reached between the parties, it will be drawn up into a divorce consent order and sent to the Court to be sealed. The divorce consent order can include how the following assets will be split:

  • Pensions
  • Savings and investments
  • Property

You might also get financial help to support your children or living expenses.

How will our family assets and income be divided?

This will be assessed on a case by case basis. Whilst the starting point is 50/50 split, the Court and solicitors will take into account a list of factors known as the Section 25 factors (Section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973). These include:

The income and earning capacity of the parties

The financial needs of each of the parties

The standard of living enjoyed by the family before the breakdown of the marriage

The ages of the parties and the length of the marriage

Whether any of the parties have any physical or mental disability

The contributions that each party has made to the family

The conduct of each of the parties

The value to each party of any benefit that one party would lose because of the divorce

The Court and solicitors will also consider the needs of the parties and the children of the family and this may mean that the dividing line moves in favour of one party or the other.

Further Reading
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