Civil Liberties & Human Rights

Military Judicial Reviews

Susie Labinjoh
Claire Brigham
Claire Brigham
Cormac McDonough
Cormac McDonough
Jocelyn Cockburn
Jocelyn Cockburn
Maria O'Connell
Maria O’Connell
Sasha Barton
Sasha Barton
Abbi Hart
Abbi Hart
Ailsa McNeil
Ailsa McNeil
Alisha McSporran
Aniqa Khan
Aston Luff
Aston Luff
Brid Doherty
Bríd Doherty
Charlotte Sykes
Charlotte Sykes
Darcey Hayes
Gimhani Eriyagolla
Gimhani Eriyagolla
Guy Mitchell
Guy Mitchell
Hannah Buchalter
Hannah Buchalter
Isabelle Robson
Isabelle Robson
Lottie Baldwin
Lottie Baldwin
Megan Finnis
Megan Finnis
Olivia Coffey
Olivia Coffey
Senior Associate
Rebecca Shotton
Rebecca Shotton
Ruth Waters-Falk
Ruth Waters-Falk
Sabrina Pinto_Website
Sabrina Pinto
Sarah Flanagan
Sarah Flanagan
Sebastian Del Monte
Sebastian Del Monte
Shakti Bhagwansingh
Shakti Bhagwansingh
Shivani Mehta
Sion Morgan
Sion Morgan
Stephen Hare
Stephen Hare

Judicial review is a court proceeding in which a judge reviews the lawfulness of a decision made by a public body. In the case of military personnel, this could be challenging a decision made by the Ministry of Defence, disputing a Coroner’s verdict or challenging the actions of other organisations within the Armed Forces.

Hodge Jones & Allen has a long-standing and successful record of challenging decisions taken by public bodies, which affect military personnel. We passionately believe that military authorities should be held to account when they fail our servicemen and women in the forces.

Our specialist expertise means we can persuade the authorities to reconsider their decisions or change course, before cases reach court. However, we have fought and won judicial reviews which have been vigorously defended by the Ministry of Defence and other bodies.

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We explore every legal avenue to overturn unfair decisions. Recognised as a leading firm for bringing judicial reviews on behalf of military personnel. Our solicitors will help you challenge decisions, procedures or failure to act appropriately, in these instances:

  • Coroner inquest verdicts
  • Refusal by the armed forces to disclose information to an inquest
  • Breaches of human rights law
  • Refusal to make payment for injuries
  • Failure to investigate complaints, for example in relation to allegations of bullying, harassment, assault and discrimination
  • Refusal to discharge someone who has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Challenging decisions on compensation
  • Failures to prosecute or investigate crimes

If there’s a decision you want to challenge, it’s important to act quickly. There’s strict time limits for launching a judicial review, usually within three months, although in some cases the review must be brought sooner. Contact us as soon as possible so we can help.

Meet Jocelyn Cockburn

Call our specialist Military Claims solicitors today on
0330 822 3451
or request a call back.


“Jocelyn Cockburn is renowned for her expertise in bringing claims against the police and military. She is also highly adept at representing bereaved families at inquest.”Chambers UK, 2025

“Excellent civil liberties and human rights lawyers, working on a range of often high-profile cases. They have particularly strong and cohesive team-working.”Legal 500, 2025

Featured Cases

Judicial Review

SNATCH LAND ROVERS: Hodge Jones & Allen represented four relatives of servicemen who were killed when travelling in Snatch Land Rovers in Iraq, described as ‘mobile coffins’ by British soldiers, since 2007. The case finally reached its conclusion with a financial settlement in December 2016 and the receipt of a negotiated apology in May 2017. The apology is significant as the MOD had not acknowledged failings in relation to Snatch (and did not admit liability) but in the apology they recognised that steps should have been taken sooner to replace Snatch Land Rover vehicles from theatre which could have saved lives.

Judicial Review

PRIVATE JASON SMITH: Following a lack of disclosure by the Ministry of Defence, we brought a judicial review to challenge the verdict of an inquest into the death of Private Jason Smith, who suffered a fatal heatstroke while serving in Iraq in 2003. This resulted in the Supreme Court quashing the verdict and led to a second inquest which found that the risk of death could have been reduced by adherence to policy on heat illness, in terms of climatic monitoring, hydration and medical treatment, and by the availability of air-conditioned accommodation and vehicles. We won substantial damages and an apology for Jason’s mother from the Ministry of Defence.

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"They are remarkably consistent, client-focused and detail-oriented." Chambers UK, 2021