Headway’s Action for Brain Injury Week #HatsforHeadway

This week is Headway’s Brain Injury Awareness Week. 17th May to 21st May. #ActionForBrainInjuryWeek

Headway are a national charity who work tirelessly and have done since 1979 supporting those who have suffered a brain injury and their families.

This is their annual weekly campaign. This year Headway want to focus on raising awareness of the way in which isolation during lockdown has affected those who have an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).

The past 14 months have been unprecedented for us all but imagine being someone or having a family member who needs constant access to rehab services?

Services, already stretched before lockdown, have become even more so as vital NHS resources have been diverted elsewhere.

Those with an ABI already experience difficulties in feeling isolated due to their affected brain function (struggles with expressing themselves, anger, frustration) add to that the physical isolation of not being able to leave home, or go to a much need centre that can offer support.

In my practice as a Personal Injury Lawyer, helping those with acquired brain injury, I have seen directly the impact that this year has had in terms of delayed recovery. Equally I have seen that the support given by Headway has been invaluable despite constant challenges.

Rehabilitation for those with a brain injury is key in helping them and their families adjust to a new way of living.

Headway offers support on a regional basis and during this campaign will be raising awareness of the effect of isolation through their branches. Here is one example from a stroke sufferer in Hertfordshire.

At the end of the week Headway will have their #HatsforHeadway day. Post a picture of yourself on social media and donate £2.

I will certainly be taking my hat off to them, will you?

Hats for Headway campaign