Child Safety Week – ‘Safety in Mind’

We’re proud to be supporting the Child Accident Prevention Trust’s Child Safety Week.

Child Safety Week Logo

Child Safety Week is an annual campaign run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust and is supported by many wonderful children’s charities. The aim is to raise awareness and build confidence and skills in preventing or reducing the risk of injury to our children.

They also support and help families prevent serious accidents before they occur by having ‘Safety in Mind’ when carrying out daily tasks.

As a personal injury solicitor, I have dealt with many cases involving accidents to children and I have seen first hand, the devastating impact a serious accident can have on the child and their family. The majority of these serious accidents are preventable so it is important to raise awareness on how to keep children safe.

Please take the time to visit the Child Prevention Trust website which provides lots of information and resources to help educate us all in enabling our children to “have the freedom to grow and learn, safe from serious harm”.

We have over 40 years’ experience helping individuals of all ages and their families through what can be a very stressful and emotional time. To get in touch with a member of the personal injury team, call us today on 0330 822 3451 or request a call back.