Three Support Workers At Grove House Care Home (Sutton) Convicted And Jailed For Abusing Two Residents

Following a four-week trial at Croydon Crown Court in October 2023, Alex Nazareth, Georgios Skordoulis and Ahmed Hassanen were all found guilty of offences against two, extremely vulnerable residents* at Grove House.

They were given custodial sentences on 4th January 2024 following convictions for ill-treatment by a care worker (contrary to s20 Criminal Justice & Courts Act 2015).

The abuse perpetrated by Nazareth, Skordoulis and Hassanen against one individual included

  • Pouring and spraying water on him
  • Locking him in a room
  • Physically assaulting him
  • Dragging him by his arms and legs
  • Throwing his possessions away
  • Having his genitals squeezed
  • Verbal assault

A second victim was also subjected to having water thrown over him, physical assaults, having his possessions and clothes intentionally damaged and was denied food and prevented from sleeping.

Grove House opened in January 2019 and it is reported that whilst abuse was ongoing, other members of staff heard and witnessed incidents, with one individual stating that they saw physical assaults on a daily basis. Within a few months of the home being opened, a member of staff had reported the abuse to the police and an investigation had commenced.

Nazareth, Skordoulis and Hassanen were all placed in a significant position of trust by virtue of their employment within the care home and their contact with residents. The individuals they abused were dependent on them for their day-to-day care needs and to keep them safe from harm. Instead, they were subjected to horrific physical and psychological abuse, and degrading treatment.

The decision for a loved-one to be accommodated in residential care or supported accommodation is always an extremely difficult one. Family members are placing their trust solely in the hands of those working at care homes to act in the best interests of their relative – to keep them safe from harm, promote their emotional and physical wellbeing and assist with their day-to-day needs. Residents deserve to be looked after and supported by carers and staff who have their welfare and best interests as a priority. They certainly should not be subjected to the abuse that was perpetrated at Grove House.

If you, or someone you know, has experienced abuse whilst in a care home or residential setting, and would like to obtain free, confidential, initial advice on the process of reporting to the police, what to expect and your options in bringing a civil claim for damages then Hodge Jones & Allen solicitors can help you.

Olivia Coffey, a senior associate in the Civil Liberties & Human Rights team, has many years of experience in acting for victims of recent and non-recent abuse. She can be contacted directly by emailing or by calling 0808 296 7694

*although the names of these individuals have been published online, HJA have chosen not to do so here.

Further Reading Posts by Olivia Coffey
Civil Liberties & Human Rights