Head Teacher Of Ysgol Friars, Neil Foden, Faces Numerous Child Sexual Abuse Charges

Neil Foden, the head teacher at Ysgol Friars in Bangor, Wales, appeared at Mold Crown Court on 5th January and pleaded not guilty to all charges against him. Mr Foden was previously arrested in September 2023 and initially charged with three offences including:

  • Sexual activity with a girl aged 13-15
  • Sexual communication with a child
  • Abuse of a position of trust

Following his arrest, he was suspended from his post and is presently remanded in custody whilst the criminal proceedings are ongoing.

It is understood that as the criminal case against him has proceeded, Mr Foden has charged with additional eighteen offences following disclosures from five further complainants. These additional charges relate to:

  • Sexual activity with a child
  • Sexual activity with a child under 13
  • Possession of indecent photographs and images of a child
  • Sexual communication with a child
  • Grooming offences

The trial is anticipated to start in April 2024.

At this stage, little is known about the circumstances surrounding the allegations against Mr Foden and whether the complainants were pupils at the school. It is also unclear whether or not safeguarding concerns ought to have been raised at an earlier stage.

If you, or someone you know, has experienced sexual abuse and would like to obtain free, confidential, initial advice on the process of reporting to the police, what to expect and your options in bringing a civil claim for damages then Hodge Jones & Allen solicitors can help you.

Olivia Coffey, a senior associate in the Civil Liberties & Human Rights team, has many years of experience in acting for victims of recent and non-recent child sexual abuse. She can be contacted directly by emailing ocoffey@hja.net or by calling 0808 296 7694

Further Reading Posts by Olivia Coffey
Civil Liberties & Human Rights