What Steps Should A Person Take If They Suffered An Injury At Their Work Place

If you suffer an accident at your workplace resulting in an injury, there are various actions that you could take to protect your legal position.

The guidance below should assist if you are faced with this situation.

  1. Report the accident as quickly as possible to a senior member of staff. Most companies will have an accident report book on site. Ask the senior member of staff to record the accident in the accident report book.
  2. If you are asked to complete the accident report book or sign it then make sure that the document is accurately completed. Do not sign the document if it is inaccurate. The reason for this is that if there is a dispute between yourself and your employer as to how the accident occurred then a judge is likely to place a lot of weight on any supporting documents such as the accident report form.
  3. Report the accident to the Health & Safety Manager and ask if the problem has been discussed at previous Health & Safety meetings.
  4. Try and establish whether there were any witnesses to your accident and obtain their contact details if possible.
  5. Return to the accident location as quickly as possible in order to try and establish if there is any CCTV evidence.
  6. If your accident involves a specific defect then try and take photographs of the defect as soon as possible.
  7. If you require time off work then ensure that you keep your employer notified of your injury and obtain a sick certificate from your GP when required. There is a legal requirement for your employer to send a Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) report if you are off work for more than 10 working days
  8. Try and find out if any of your work colleagues have suffered a similar accident to that which has happened to you.
  9. Try and establish if there have been any previous complaints relating to the cause of your accident.
  10. If you have suffered an injury then make sure that you seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

To summarise, if you decide to pursue a personal injury claim against your employer, then the burden will be on the Claimant to prove their case. By taking the steps set out above, this should assist you in proving your claim.

If you have suffered an accident at work and require legal assistance from our personal injury experts, please call us now on 0330 822 3451 or request a call back online. 

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Further Reading