The Prevention Of Work Related Accidents And Diseases – World Day For Safety And Health At Work Day

Classed as a ‘fundamental right’ and recognised by the United Nations, World Day for Safety and Health at Work is part of a global strategy to raise awareness on occupational safety and health. The day is promoted by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

The aim of this day is to educate and focus world attention on the promotion of health and safety at work in order to prevent work-related accidents and diseases, which cause a large number people to be injured or die every year.

Being in ‘good’ work, which is safe and secure with good working conditions, improves health and wellbeing, not only in terms of quality of life but also from an economic standpoint.

In the UK for example, the Health & Safety Executive reports that for the year 2019/20, injury resulted in around 40% of costs estimated at around £7.6 billion

The responsibility for health and safety is said to fall to each of us:

Employers – are responsible for and must report serious accidents – in the UK this is carried out under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) and accidents are reported to the Health and Safety Executive.

Employees – are responsible to look out for both their own and the health and safety of others – ie to know their rights and responsibilities and not to put anyone else at risk

Governments – are responsible to ensure that there is a national policy in place, inspection methods to ensure compliance and that data is collected.

The ILO recommends that each country collects data so that policies, procedures and programmes can be developed to improve overall worker safety. By collaboration across the world, each country can be made aware of new risks.

Whilst in the UK, many employers do adopt and comply with the rules and regulations, there are some which do not, or some that do not go far enough. With increased awareness over time, hopefully compliance will continue to improve.

I represent a number of clients who have been involved in accidents at work, and I am often informed that basic health & safety procedures are still not being adopted and/or are not being complied with.

If you have been injured in an accident at work, please contact our expert personal injury solicitors now on 0808 252 5231 or request a call back. 

Further Reading