Road Safety Week 19th to 25th November 2023 – How Brake Can Help

Who is Brake?

Brake is a charity campaigning for change to supporting people affected by road death and serious injury.

Brake’s National Road Victim Service is a free and confidential specialist service for those who have been bereaved or seriously injured in a road traffic accident and support a road crash victim.

Brake will provide a case worker who can help from day one to provide support over the telephone or by email.

A case worker can talk to people on your behalf if you have a problem that needs resolving.

Road Safety Week is Brake’s biggest road safety campaign. At Hodge Jones and Allen we want to raise awareness of Brake’s work and share important road safety messages.

Theme – Speed

The main messages this year are that we all drive too fast at some point and we may say

I didn’t notice I was going so fast.

Everyone else is doing it so why can’t I?

A few miles and hour won’t make such a difference will it?

The main message this year is SPEED.

Each time we drive faster than the speed limit or too fast for the road conditions we increase the risk of a crash arising and this in turn can increase the chance of an injury or death. Unfortunately the police have recorded travelling too fast as a contributory factor in 25% of deaths.

We therefore need to make people think about speeding.

  1. Stick to the speed limits (they are there for a reason).
  2. Take into account weather conditions
  3. Look out for any hazards
  4. Be mindful in the winter especially and in dark conditions for pedestrians and cyclists and other road users.
  5. Use your lights
  6. Wear high vis clothing when travelling in the dark.
  7. Watch your speed on your speedometer – it could save a life.

Road Traffic Accidents

At Hodge Jones & Allen, our solicitors have a wealth of experience dealing with people involved in road traffic accidents that have resulted in life changing injuries. Our clients range from car drivers, passengers, cyclists, motorbike users, pedestrians and children.

Road traffic accidents can have catastrophic consequences. If you’ve suffered an injury on a road due to someone’s else negligence, call 0330 822 3451 now to speak to one of our personal injury expert lawyers or request a call back online. 

Further Reading