Life Changing Injuries: Brain Injury

How To Get The Best Rehabilitation

If you have been injured in an accident as a road user (pedestrian, e scooter rider, cyclist) which has resulted in life changing injuries such as a brain injury you may be able to make a successful claim for compensation. To make sure you have the best chance of recovery and to secure the compensation you deserve make sure you instruct a specialist personal injury solicitor who has experience of dealing with brain injury cases.

Early Intervention

In the immediate aftermath of a traumatic accident you and your family will be in turmoil. If you have suffered serious injuries which include a head injury it is possible that you may have been unconscious for a while or have little recall of the events leading up to the accident which caused your injury. This can be frightening and frustrating. You will need an experienced specialist personal injury solicitor to guide you through these challenging early months of recovery.

Early Rehabilitation

It is likely that following your accident you will have been admitted to A & E. The specialist there will look after you but, remember that their primary job is to get you well enough to be either discharged or moved to a more specialist ward or hospital. There will initially be a focus on the “visible” injuries (broken bones and the like) and less so on the “invisible” injury to your brain.

After treatment in A & E you may be sent home immediately or you may be transferred to a specialist orthopaedic or neuro rehab centre/ward.

Whatever the outcome you and your family must ensure that your head Injury is kept on top of the agenda as early rehabilitation is key to recovery.

The NHS has a number of excellent head injury rehabilitation centres and you will need a referral to be accepted. You will need to liaise with your consultant and family to work out what is best for you

Every injury is different as every individual is different so the treatment and recommendations will be tailored to you and your symptoms.

Likely Symptoms of A Head Injury After A Cycle Accident

These will vary from person to person and depend on which part of the brain has been damaged. You could suffer from fits or seizures, have difficulty in staying awake, become tired easily, double vision, difficulty concentrating, loss of taste or smell, memory loss, trouble with your speech and difficulty walking or with general co-ordination.


The brain, if damaged does not regenerate in the way that other organs can. Previously used “pathways” or roads in the brain are now broken or blocked and the brain can no longer send information along them. The brain works to reorganise itself and a diversion is created around those broken or blocked roads and a new route is found to deliver the information.

Though like all diversions this means that the information may take longer to arrive at its destination. Leading to a slowing down of you mental or cognitive functions.

In many cases a full recovery is not made but with the help of early rehabilitation you will have the best possible chance to make the best recovery you can.

More than one person will be involved in your rehabilitation. It is essential that a Case Manager is appointed who will help you navigate the various support services and rehabilitation services available to you in your locality.


I am currently dealing with such a case where a schoolchild suffered an acquired brain injury when they were knocked over at age 15. The insurers are funding a whole package of rehabilitation from daily support with organisation and memory loss, to helping the now 20 year old learn to drive at a specialist centre. Their support has been invaluable.

Funding treatment and interim payments

Using a specialist personal injury solicitor means that you are able to obtain funds from the insurers of the person responsible for your accident and access to early rehabilitation funded by them.

Your specialist personal injury solicitor will know who to contact to discuss early rehabilitation in the form of private treatment.

Your specialist personal Injury solicitor will also seek an early interim payment to assist with any immediate financial difficulties.

In my experience insurance companies are more than willing to fund rehabilitation for a seriously injured client to help them make the best recover.


National Charity Headway provides support and resources to those who have suffered a brain injury and their families. If your child has suffered a brain injury, The Child Brain Injury Trust also offer support and guidance.

If you have suffered a life changing injury such as a brain injury as a result of an accident and you are pursuing a personal injury claim speak to a specialist solicitor, you can call me, Anne Sanders, on 0330 822 3451 or email