Housing Disrepair Success Stories – Severe and Worsening Subsidence

We represented a housing association tenant whose home has been suffering from severe and worsening subsidence, associated leaks and resulting damage to her property. The conditions were causing her distress and she was having to fill wide cracks herself with expanding foam and Sellotape. Various inspections had been carried out but the housing association had failed to act on any recommendations. We assisted her with obtaining an expert report which confirmed the subsidence needed further investigation by a specialist. Despite the landlord stating that further inspections would be carried out, no such steps were taken.

We obtained an order stating that they must obtain a structural engineer’s report but again they failed to do so and eventually we obtained a report confirming that significant structural movement was taking place and that the property was not fit for habitation. Despite this, the landlord still sought to adjourn the final hearing, an application which we strongly opposed. At the final hearing, we obtained a court order that the client should be decanted urgently and that the landlords must produce a full schedule and timeframe for works. The court also ordered the landlord to pay the client compensation plus further damages to be calculated as a percentage of the rent until all works are fully completed.

If you need help with housing disrepair, you can try our housing disrepair compensation calculator or talk to our housing law specialists today. Call us on 0330 822 3451 or request a call back.

Further Reading