Housing Disrepair Success Stories – Damp And Mould Issues Due To Leaks

The Housing Team at Hodge Jones & Allen have been defending the rights of tenants since 1977 and we understand how your life can be turned upside down when a landlord refuses to carry out repairs to your home.

With this blog series, each week we plan to share the details of another successful settlement to show tenants that help to is available to get results and gain compensation.

This week’ Housing Disrepair case is as follows:

This client came to us after he had continuous leaks in his bathroom and kitchen due to an ongoing issue from his upstairs neighbours. There was no electricity in the bathroom and kitchen due to this, our client had been left without hot water and heating for several months.

There were damp and mould issues in several of the rooms in our client’s property and several health hazards due to the lack of hot water and heating.

Our client had several health issues and after 3 years of reporting they needed help.

Hodge Jones & Allen prepared a letter of claim to our clients landlord which required urgent action within 7 days as our client had been without hot water and heating for over a month.

Hodge Jones & Allen received a response letter from our client’s landlord, the response explained that the landlord would agree to an inspection of the property as they were unable to admit or deny liability until they had fully inspected the property.

The landlord agreed to a joint inspection with HJA’s expert and a letter of instruction was sent.

Preparation for an urgent injunction was done to force the landlord into fixing the boiler however, before an injunction was filed our client’s property was fitted with a new boiler which allowed our client to have heating and hot water.

HJA then received the surveyor report following an inspection of the client’s property. The report showed that the works needed would cost over £1,150.

HJA sent an updated letter of claim to our client’s landlord setting out the recommended works and findings of the surveyor’s report.

Negotiations begun in order to agree on settlement conditions and the commencement of works to our client’s property. A pre-works inspection took place and a settlement of £1,500 was offered. Our client accepted this offer and it was agreed that the landlord would carry out works as per the surveyors report.

Our Housing Team is ranked tier 1 by Legal 500 and Chambers UK legal directories. The team are seen as an industry leader in social housing law. Dedicated to providing exceptional service for all of its clients in disrepair, possession and homelessness. The Housing Team are recognised for their advancement of the law in high profile cases in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

If you need help with housing disrepair, you can try our housing disrepair compensation calculator or talk to our housing law specialists today. Call us on 0330 822 3451 or request a call back.

Further Reading