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A businessman whose commodity happens to be cocaine…

In Layer Cake (2004) Daniel Craig’s character told us “that one day, all this drug monkey business will be legal”. Eleven years later and it’s still not. In fact, earlier…

August 12, 2015

Housing and the Immigration Bill 2015

As we’re sure many other housing law practitioners will agree, we all love a good challenge. It is imperative and all the more rewarding in the current political climate with…

August 7, 2015

No Safety Net for Justice

In the latest ruling in the ongoing battle to secure access to justice in the face of cuts to legal aid, both the Exceptional Case Funding (‘ECF’) scheme and the…

August 6, 2015

New court charges – a further blow to our justice system

On 13th April this year the then Justice Secretary Chris Grayling brought in new court charges for those convicted at magistrates’ or crown courts. The new charges are payable on…

August 6, 2015

New Lasting Power of Attorney forms from 1 July 2015

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) promised it would simplify the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) forms following responses to its 27 July 2013 consultation. The aim was to…

August 5, 2015

LIBOR sentencing may herald a tough approach for financial crime such as bribery

It has already been well documented that the 14 year sentence imposed yesterday on trader Tom Hayes, for manipulating LIBOR is higher than many of the sentences imposed on other…

August 5, 2015

Criminalised Doping

The Sunday Times expose on drugs in sport has reopened an interesting issue for criminal lawyers – should doping be criminalised – and what would the likely effect be? Under…

August 4, 2015

Bribery Act Review – Facilitation payments still problematic

Last week, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) sent letters to industry leaders, inviting them to comment on whether the Bribery Act has had an impact on their…

August 4, 2015

Do we still have testamentary freedom?

A ruling by the Court of Appeal has awarded a woman £164,000 from her mother’s estate, despite having been excluded from the will. Heather Ilott was estranged from her mother,…

July 31, 2015

Why we need to empower and educate young people about stop and search

At a recent event attendees heard how the work of the Stop & Search Legal Project is paying dividends, but there are still challenges ahead for those working to combat…

July 31, 2015

Policing Methods: Should Police Officers of England and Wales be armed with tasers?

The introduction in the use of tasers by frontline Police Officers of England and Wales came in 2003 as an alternative to Police Officers being armed with firearms. Of course…

July 29, 2015

Who wouldn’t want to be a leaseholder, rather than simply a tenant?

Of course this makes sense. Being a leaseholder would of course provide more security, right? For example, the Right to Buy Scheme boasts to bring about such security for leaseholders.…

July 28, 2015

Human Rights: Euro interference or paving the way for swifter access to justice for those living in Britain?

The right to life – and the duty this places on the police to protect life; and the right not be subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment – along with…

July 27, 2015

No ifs, no buts, no legal aid cuts

You may or may not be aware of the public demonstration that took place outside Westminster Magistrates Court this morning. It comes following the ongoing decision by the majority of…

July 22, 2015

Are Litigation Funders opening up to lower value claims?

Litigation Funders have generally been involved in providing funding to meet the legal costs to pursue large multi-million pound commercial claims. The Litigation Funder meets the legal costs as the…

July 21, 2015

The Human Rights Act allows victims of serial rapist John Worboys to succeed in claim for Met failings

The Court of Appeal issued judgment in Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis -v- DSD and NBV and Alio Koraou -v- Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police [2015] EWCA CIV…

July 20, 2015

Two sides to every story?

Over the weekend I watched a programme called Met: Policing London. As a trainee within a Criminal Law department programmes involving police, crime or the law are always of interest.…

July 15, 2015


As per their manifesto in 2010, the Conservatives have now ‘delivered’ on their long held desire to raise the Inheritance Tax (IHT) threshold to £1m. The additional exemption will only…

July 10, 2015

‘Clearing the Fog of Law’, a response.

The recent report from right-wing think tank Policy Exchange Clearing the Fog of Law. Saving our armed forces from defeat by judicial diktat proposes three ways in which military law…

July 8, 2015

Asbestos Victims Support Groups Forum UK causes Government U-turn

On 9 March 2015, after just 7 weeks from initial announcement, the Ministry of Justice introduced a 5% levy on court fees for compensation claims worth over £10,000. The increase…

July 7, 2015