Expert Comments


Managing Expectations: Changing perspectives on end of life care

Britain’s population is aging. Medical advancements and our increasing quality of life leads us all to expect to live long enough to be grandparents or even great grandparents. The Queen…

March 18, 2016

The Growth of Obesity in the UK and Weight-Loss Surgery

Whether we like to hear it or not, obesity is now of epidemic proportions in the UK with over 15 million Britons classified as obese. More than 6 out of…

February 19, 2016

Growth in plastic surgery procedures and 1 in 10 are for men

It seems that with the rise of social media and the pressure that that brings to some to look different or halt the ageing process, there has been yet another...

February 9, 2016

Mefloquine – time for change as inquiry hears evidence of harmful side effects experienced by those in the armed forces

The distressing psychiatric side effects of anti-malarial drug mefloquine have long been known, yet the drug has been routinely issued to British soldiers since 1993.

February 8, 2016

As pressures on the NHS increase inadequate supervision of junior doctors is putting patient safety at risk

Junior doctors continue to hit the headlines having decided to take the drastic step of going on strike. Morale amongst doctors is said to be at an all-time low as...

February 4, 2016

Ten reasons why fixed costs in medical negligence cases is wrong

Health Minister Ben Gummer has said proposals to fix costs in medical negligence cases worth less than £250,000 will come into effect on 1st October, despite no consultation yet being...

February 4, 2016

No room for negotiation

Fixed costs will impact access to justice & lead to long term deterioration of healthcare in the UK, says Nina Ali The government propose to limit legal costs for claims…

January 27, 2016

The Government should think again on fixed fees in clinical negligence cases argues Nina Ali, partner, Hodge Jones & Allen

This summer the Department of Health announced proposals to fix costs in clinical negligence cases worth below £250,000 and, in doing so, raised grave concerns that many victims of medical…

January 27, 2016

NHS Investigatory Failures Highlighted

It has been a bad week in the press for the NHS. Firstly the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman concluded that families and patients are being left without answers by...

December 10, 2015

Fitness to Practice of Dentists – Some Statistics

The dental profession is regulated by the General Dental Council (GDC) who have reported an increasing number of complaints against dental practitioners in recent years. The complaints that they are…

December 8, 2015

Chasing targets – care cannot be delivered by numbers

The push to meet staffing levels is proving costly and will do little to drive up long term quality of care for patients The NHS is currently facing a serious,…

December 3, 2015

Review of baby deaths highlights shortcomings in care

A report launched on 19 November 2015 by Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audit and Confidential Enquiries across the UK (MBRRACE-UK) has highlighted fundamental failings in antenatal monitoring and…

November 24, 2015

Increase in mental health detentions shows ‘services are in difficulties’

The Mental Health Act 1983 determines how and when a person can be detained in hospital without their consent for assessment or treatment. Mental Health campaigners have expressed concern that…

November 6, 2015

Mental health provision in crisis: documentary shines a light on system in need of radical change

BBC Panorama’s Britain’s Mental Health Crisis programme shown last week provided a worrying insight into the perilous state of mental health care and services across the country. The programme focused…

November 3, 2015

'Ofsted-style' ratings for NHS services

Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has announced plans to try and create a more patient-focused NHS culture. From next year, healthcare services in key areas, such as cancer, maternity care, dementia…

October 30, 2015

Patient’s Rights Revisited

In recent years there has been a gradual shift away from a “doctor knows best” model of care towards a patient-directed approach, of which informed consent is an important feature.…

October 27, 2015

74% of English hospitals ‘unsafe’ according to CQC annual report

The Care Quality Commission (CQC), the regulator of health and social care in England, released its annual State of Care report last week which found that a staggering 74% of…

October 23, 2015

Birth after Previous Caesarean Birth

New Green Top guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (October 2015) has recommended that there should be a very clear pathway when a lady has had a…

October 23, 2015

Financial incentives and client care – Could your GP be receiving a bonus NOT to refer you to hospital?

GP practises across the country are receiving thousands of pounds not to refer patients to hospital for specialist treatment, according to a recently published report by Pulse magazine. These ethically…

October 15, 2015

Clinical negligence litigation: A force for good in the NHS

Clinical negligence litigation frequently drives better medical practice in private and NHS organisations by identifying systemic failings and ensuring practitioners undergo training or sanctions are taken if necessary. The recent…

October 8, 2015