Expert Comments

  • personal-injury

What Is A Litigation Friend And When Do I Require One In A Personal Injury Claim?

What is a litigation friend? If you are a child (under the age of 18) or a protected party, it will be necessary for you to appoint what we call…

December 9, 2021
  • accident-in-public-spaces

Can You Make A Personal Injury Claim If You Are Involved In An Accident When Cycling Under Influence Of Alcohol?

Right to Compensation If you were involved in an accident while cycling under influence of alcohol, it is common to believe that you can’t make a personal injury claim; however,…

December 9, 2021
  • serious-injury

Damages For Future Losses And Expenses In Catastrophic Injury Claims

Press and media reports of compensation awards in high-value claims tend to report the headline figure awarded to a catastrophically-injured Claimant, tending to give the impression of something akin to…

December 6, 2021
  • road-traffic-accident

Road Safety Week: Road Safety Heroes 15-21 November 2021

Road Safety Week is the biggest road safety event in the UK. It encourages thousands of schools, organisations and wider communities across the UK to take action on road safety.…

November 15, 2021
  • compensation
  • personal-injury

Would A Personal Injury Claim Affect The Benefits I Am Receiving?

Suffering a personal injury can be traumatic in many ways, having far-reaching consequences beyond the obvious pain of your injury. Not only will you be affected by the physical pain…

November 11, 2021
  • accident-in-public-spaces

What Defences Could Be Raised To My Tripping Claim?

At this time of year, with the cold weather and long, dark evenings people need to take extra care when they are out to avoid tripping or slipping. Councils have…

November 8, 2021
  • accident-in-public-spaces

Avoid Unwanted Slips Whilst Taking Those Christmas Shopping Trips

Despite taking all possible precautions, everyday across the UK people get injured as a result of slips and trips whilst out and about. They are one of the most common…

November 5, 2021
  • burns-and scarring-injuries

Fire Safety During Diwali, The Festival Of Lights And Bonfire Night

As the dark nights draw in, fireworks season is in full swing. Many will be looking forward to setting their sights on extravagant fireworks displays or organising their own home…

November 3, 2021
  • brain-injury

It’s Glo, Glo, Glo Time Again!

Having recently attended a fund raising event for the Child Brain Injury Trust (CBIT) I never cease to be amazed to hear the stories of people that CBIT have assisted…

October 25, 2021
  • personal-injury

Personal Injury Lawyer of the Month: Anne Sanders

Anne Sanders is a partner in a personal injury team. She specialises in catastrophic and complex injury claims with over 20 years’ experience, acting only for injured people and their…

October 8, 2021
  • personal-injury

What is Mediation in a Personal Injury Case?

I love to litigate. Why? As a trainee and then a newly qualified solicitor my supervising partner told me this: “Litigate to negotiate”. She was 100% right. To get the…

October 8, 2021
  • personal-injury

Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Injury Claims- Part 3

Introduction Here is my final list of the most frequently questions I am asked as a personal injury solicitor. Compiling the three lists has reminded me of all the issues…

September 28, 2021
  • personal-injury

Can I Make A Personal Injury Claim If I Have A Pre-Existing Health Condition?

If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault and you have sustained an injury, you may be able to claim compensation. If for example you…

September 23, 2021
  • personal-injury

What Is The Difference Between A Treating Doctor And A Medico Legal Expert For The Purpose Of A Personal Injury Claim?

If you have been involved in an accident at work, a road traffic accident, an accident in public premises for example which was not your fault and you were injured…

September 6, 2021
  • personal-injury

Personal Injury Lawyer of The Month: Louise Jukes

Louise Jukes is a Partner in our Personal Injury team, specialising in cases involving serious and complex injuries. Louise has over 20 years’ experience in this area of law and…

September 1, 2021
  • rehabilitation

Interim Payments and Rehabilitation for Personal Injury – What Are They?

Interim payments and rehabilitation are essential in helping injured people on the road to recovery. Serious injury claims can take months, if not years, to settle and during that period…

August 23, 2021
  • personal-injury

What Happens At A Medical Examination?

Why is it important to tell the medico-legal expert of my pre-existing injuries and any other accidents? In a personal injury claim, a medical-legal expert is instructed to prepare a…

August 17, 2021
  • spinal-cord-injury

What Does a Spinal Injury Involve?

A spinal injury can be a very serious injury that is likely to have a lasting and significant impact on the individual in question. Spinal injuries are caused by an…

August 5, 2021
  • burns-and scarring-injuries

How is Scarring Valued in a Personal Injury Claim?

As a result of an accident, you may have suffered from scarring on the body or the face. When assessing the value of scarring in a Personal Injury Claim, we…

August 4, 2021
  • road-traffic-accident

Supporting National Road Victim Month 2021

During National Road Victim Month we remember those who have been killed or seriously injured on our roads. The road traffic accident charity RoadPeace has observed National Road Victim Month…

August 3, 2021