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‘Political maladministration’ contributes to unsafe discharge from hospital
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC) has followed up the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) report on unsafe discharge from hospital by accusing the government of ‘political...
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust Chief Executive Officer Katrina Percy resigns
The departure of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust Chief Executive Officer Katrina Percy this week heralds fresh leadership of an organisation that was subject to criticism in a Report commissioned...
As the poor state of our mental health services continues to make headlines, will promised new measures really make a difference?
In May we saw yet more headlines about how our mental health services are failing, with the BBC reporting that a review by the Children’s Commissioner has found that more...
Home alone – PHSO report reveals failures in discharge and care for the elderly and vulnerable
Patients are being sent home alone, afraid and unable to cope and in some cases without their relatives or carers being told, resulting in devastating consequences, according to a report...
Personal maternity budgets: Will giving women more choice really drive up care standards?
Recently the National Maternity Review was published with recommendations as to how maternity services should change over the next five years, with proposals designed to make care safer and give...