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Expert Comments
What are the Defences available in defamation claims?
This article discusses some common defences available in defamation claims relating to libel (written statements). It outlines the protection these defences can afford to parties who are wrongfully accused of...
March 17, 2020
The Arkin cap and liability for costs
The case of Arkin v Borchard Lines Ltd (Nos 2 and 3) [2005] EWCA Civ 655, [2005] 1 WLR 3055 (“Arkin”) and the notion that the courts were bound to...
March 16, 2020
Drawing a line – the extent and basis of non-party costs liability
All parties to litigation should be concerned with – besides winning the litigation – the other side being good for any damages and / or costs they may be awarded....
March 16, 2020
What are the time limits in defamation claims?
This article discusses time limit issues in defamation claims for libel (written) disputes. It outlines some practical considerations and potential remedies to help if the time limit is missed and…
March 12, 2020
Legal implications of the coronavirus
The coronavirus (COVID-19) originating from China on 31st December 2019 has now infected over 100,000 people in over 100 countries with nearly 31,500 deaths. As at 8th March there was...
The scheme was set up to pay compensation to women who had been admitted to and worked in a Magdalen Laundry, based solely on the length of their stay, ranging...
Why are preliminary hearings in defamation cases important?
This article discusses the advantages of using preliminary hearings in defamation cases, which can help to settle defamation disputes more quickly, and can save time and costs of litigation. Defamation...
February 28, 2020
Can I request a copy of my file from my solicitor?
It is not unusual once you have instructed a professional, such as a solicitor, to want a copy of your files, especially if you think something has gone wrong. However,...
210 days after the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) in May 2018 (by the Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA 2018”)) in the UK, the ICO issued its…
The importance of a signature A signature is defined in the Cambridge Dictionary as: “your name written by yourself, always in the same way, usually to show that something has…
It’s that time of the year again when retailers battle it out to secure your custom and you are bombarded with propaganda to buy buy buy. It starts today with...
The Pitfalls of Christmas Parties for Employers: Vicarious Liability
It’s that time of the year again when companies face the headache of planning for their annual staff Christmas parties. Christmas parties are not just a minefield for HR, but...
More and more people are choosing to expand their current homes with an extension rather than to make the costly upheaval of moving. But before you venture into such a...
October 31, 2019
Legal (Advice) Privilege Never Dies
The principle of legal advice privilege between a solicitor and their client is endorsed in both statute and common law and is a fundamental basis to ensure open and candid...
People use estate agents for several reasons; buying and selling of a property, renting, management, and even for professional valuations. As a profession, they are, however, not subject to mandatory...
Last month, the Supreme Court was called upon in the case of Cape Intermediate Holdings Ltd v Dring (for and on behalf of Asbestos Victims Support Groups Forum UK (2019)…
Defamation includes both libel and slander. Libel is something that adversely affects a person's reputation in a “lasting” form of publication such as in print or online. Slander concerns something...
April 24, 2019
Legal Guidance for Landlords and Tenants on the Tenant Fees Act 2019
You may have heard time and time again that there is a housing shortage coupled with affordability in purchasing a property which means that it is a landlord’s market, even...
Establishing legal ownership by way of adverse possession- Paving the way
What is adverse possession?This is when a person who doesn’t have the ownership rights over a land acquires legal title because they have been continually living on the land (previously...
Once you have obtained judgment (also known as a County Court Judgment or CCJ) for a debt (that is, a formal court order), that is not normally the end of...