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Expert Comments
Divorce and Financial Proceedings: How Do They Work Together?
Clients seeking legal advice about a divorce will almost always want to understand how the financial dealings and divorce process will work together.Firstly, divorce and finances are two separate legal...
April 25, 2019
Do people snoop more on their partners because of technology and social media?
We have recently noticed an increasing trend in clients coming to us after they found evidence of cheating on their partner’s mobile phone or social media accounts. We wanted to...
April 8, 2019
What are the options for dealing with your finances in a divorce?
Any good family law solicitor will always advise you to deal with finances at the same time as the divorce, as otherwise either you or your spouse could make financial...
March 20, 2019
What Orders can the Court make in relation to children?
As family lawyers we’re often asked ‘how can I apply to have my child live with me? And ‘what can I do if my ex prevents me from spending time...
March 18, 2019
Is Family Mediation Compulsory?
When two people enter into the mediation process it is a voluntary choice and an individual can say no. I discuss the family mediation process here: What is the family...
March 5, 2019
Domestic Abuse – new ‘landmark’ Bill published
The Home Office has recently revealed that the social costs of domestic abuse in 2016 and 2017 was £66billion. The majority of this cost, £47billion, was a result of physical...
January 28, 2019
How can I apply for an annulment? What does it mean?
There are times when a divorce may not be the appropriate way to bring a marriage to an end and you may be entitled to an alternative method of ending...
January 8, 2019
Divorce reform: should I wait to get divorced?
With the government currently consulting on plans to change the way couples divorce in England & Wales by proposing to bring in “no-fault divorces”, many people are asking if they...
January 7, 2019
Can I claim ongoing financial maintenance from a partner if we were not married?
The false notion of a ‘common law marriage’ existing in UK law is a widespread one. According to a poll conducted this time last year by Resolution, a national organisation...
December 14, 2018
What is the family mediation process?
The breakdown of a relationship is rarely easy but, in my experience, most separating couples welcome the chance to reach an amicable agreement through dialogue, though they often need some…
December 11, 2018
What am I entitled to in a divorce settlement?
I am normally asked this question straight away. Unfortunately a definite answer cannot be given without receiving detailed financial information from both parties to a marriage. The courts approach in...
December 5, 2018
Good Divorce Week: Avoiding the Bad and the Ugly
26-30 November is Resolution’s Good Divorce Week. Head of the Family Law at Hodge Jones & Allen Jacqueline Major talks through how to achieve a Good Divorce. Divorce has a...
November 26, 2018
The Welfare Checklist – How the Family Court determines contact
Proceedings under the Children Act 1989 can be, and often are, an emotionally difficult time for those involved. Indeed, the mere fact that a court has become involved in adjudicating…
October 31, 2018
Can I take my child on holiday abroad without the other parent’s permission?
With Christmas holidays around the corner, some people will be thinking of travelling away for the holiday season, whether it’s to get away from all the hustle and bustle or...
October 26, 2018
Can I get divorced in the first year of marriage?
The question to ask is when can petitions for divorce be issued? There is a bar on all divorce petitions in the first year of the marriage - to restrain...
October 26, 2018
Can I get help with the court fee for a divorce?
The answer will always depend on the overall finances of the spouse starting the divorce application - the Petitioner. The current court fee is £550 for an undefended divorce. This...
October 2, 2018
A Quick Guide to Premarital Agreements
A Premarital Agreement (PMA) is a written agreement entered into by a couple prior to their marriage or civil partnership. The agreement establishes what the couple would like to happen...
September 19, 2018
There is no such thing as a “Quickie” Divorce
The popular press love to coin the phrase “quickie divorce” when reporting the divorces of celebrities. Myleene Klass received a “quickie divorce”. Cheryl’s marriage to Jean Fernandez-Versini was “over in…
September 7, 2018
Divorce could turn into soap opera if Tini Owens loses her appeal
As the call for no-fault divorce intensifies, the next ruling on the Supreme Court agenda on Wednesday is the case of Owens vs Owens, arising from Mrs Owens’ appeal against…
July 23, 2018
What are the Legal Grounds on which people can get divorced? – The “Basics”
The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 governs the current law on divorce in England and Wales. The law states that the petitioner of the divorce, i.e. the person who starts proceedings,...