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Inheritance tax – what you need to know

As with the making of a Will and other estate planning considerations, time spent understanding your estate’s tax liabilities and planning for them will give you peace of mind, writes…

May 3, 2017

Probate Court Fees – A Reprieve?

The proposed increase in probate court fees may now be delayed, if not abandoned, after stumbling at their final hurdle. The parliamentary committee on statutory instruments have said that the...

April 7, 2017

A valid Will – it’s how – not where…

In the case of Wilson v Lassman, the High Court has upheld the validity of a will that was witnessed on the bonnet of the testator’s car. The background to...

March 15, 2017

More ‘death taxes’ on the way…

Not only have the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) decided to press ahead with a significant rise in probate fees, but it seems that the Treasury is considering a compulsory levy...

March 6, 2017

Lasting powers of attorney – it is easy to make a mistake

The Office of the Public Guardian have published a blog citing common mistakes in Lasting Powers of attorney (LPA’s): Using the wrong form i.e. using a health and welfare form…

February 9, 2017

Landmark inheritance case set for the Supreme Court

Next week, for the first time, the Supreme Court will hear a case under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (‘the 1975 Act’). The case relates to…

December 9, 2016

Married at first sight

In its second series on TV, “Married at First Sight” shows couples, matched by experts, getting married on their very first meeting – as complete strangers! But what happens if...

November 2, 2016

Reflecting on Breast Cancer Awareness Month and planning for the unknown

I have been reminded by recent press and media stories that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and it has made me stop and think again about how life changing...

October 18, 2016

What happens to my music collection when I die?

In the past, this wasn’t much of an issue, if you owned records or CD’s, you could leave them to family or friends, named in your will, along with your...

September 28, 2016

Considerations for the over 55’s when making a will

If you are in a new relationship, with children from a previous relationship You may want to provide for your current partner by leaving them a life interest in your…

September 26, 2016

Getting married? Buying a place with your boyfriend? Five estate planning issues gay couples must think about

If you are buying a new place with your boyfriend, getting married or becoming civil partners, it’s an exciting time when you will be making plans for your future life...

September 12, 2016

Was the Duke of Westminster’s estate really exempt from inheritance tax?

The 6th Duke of Westminster died on 9 August leaving an estate worth over £9 billion. He owned 190 acres of property in Belgravia and Mayfair and substantial property portfolios...

August 16, 2016

Penalties for failing to make full disclosure

A son has been ordered to pay a penalty of over £87,000 for failing to disclose a cash gift received from his father, in the months before his father’s death.…

February 3, 2016

New Personal Savings Allowance on the way

The Government is introducing a Personal Savings Allowance from 6 April 2016. From this date, there will be less income tax to pay on interest from savings. For basic rate…

January 6, 2016

Inheritance Tax and the Life-Support Machine

The new pension rules, introduced in April 2015, allow an individual to draw down (withdraw) on any percentage of their pension. Surprisingly there are no restrictions on drawing down 100%…

December 23, 2015

A Toxic Tax

A Fabian Society report has presented findings from a series of focus groups across the country, which they say demonstrates that inheritance tax (IHT) is regarded as unfair – across…

December 10, 2015

Do you have a Van Dyke in your attic?

In the last few weeks, two estates have settled significant Inheritance Tax (IHT) bills by donating works of art to the nation under the government’s acceptance in lieu scheme. The…

November 24, 2015

Why it’s important to make a living will

Living wills, also known as advance directives, are a written record of the medical treatment and care you would want to receive if you were incapacitated and were unable to…

November 2, 2015

Failing to plan, is planning to fail

The recent Volkswagen (VW) scandal has highlighted the importance of corporate planning, whilst also raising moral questions. In the midst of the scandal VW’s Chairman resigned and so the company…

October 22, 2015

New Lasting Power of Attorney forms from 1 July 2015

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) promised it would simplify the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) forms following responses to its 27 July 2013 consultation. The aim was to…

August 5, 2015