Expert Comments

  • no-win-no-fee
  • road-traffic-accident

Road Safety Week 19th to 25th November 2023 – How Brake Can Help

Who is Brake? Brake is a charity campaigning for change to supporting people affected by road death and serious injury. Brake’s National Road Victim Service is a free and confidential…

November 21, 2023
  • accident-in-public-spaces

Can I Still Make A Personal Injury Claim If I Have Been Involved In A Hit And Run? #RoadSafetyWeek

It is Road Safety Week this week (19th – 25th November 2023). We want to highlight the importance of what can happen if you are involved in an accident which…

November 20, 2023
  • no-win-no-fee
  • personal-injury

Terms Used In Personal Injury Claims

As a Personal Injury Solicitor with over 12 years’ experience of personal Injury claims, I often have clients ask me what certain terms mean during the course of their claim.…

November 8, 2023

True Or False: Common Misconceptions In Personal Injury Claims

There are many misconceptions about personal injury claims. As a personal injury solicitor for over 10 years, here are a few points that often arise. I can bring a personal…

November 7, 2023
  • personal-injury

Why Do I Have To Submit Documents To Prove My Loss Of Earnings In The Personal Injury Claim?

I was unable to work due to my injury, is that not enough? If you have been involved in an accident, through no fault of your own, you may have…

November 6, 2023
  • no-win-no-fee
  • personal-injury

Celebrating National Pro Bono Week

Pro Bono work is legal advice or representation provided free of charge by legal professionals in the public interest. The combination of legal aid cuts made by the government and…

November 6, 2023
  • accident-in-public-spaces
  • burns-and scarring-injuries
  • personal-injury
  • road-traffic-accident

How To Stay Safe During The Spooky Season

It is that time of year again where children (and adults!) get dressed up in their scariest outfits, children go out trick or treating with their parents and/or friends and…

October 27, 2023

In Conversation with the CEO of the Limbless Association, Deborah Bent and their Chair of Trustees, David Rose

In August I had the pleasure of meeting with the CEO of the Limbless Association, Deborah Bent and their Chair of Trustees, David Rose. We met in order to prepare…

October 23, 2023

Why Does My Medical Expert Not Treat Me?

As a Personal Injury Solicitor my clients will often ask me why a medical expert does not provide treatment when they attend an appointment to see the expert. What is…

October 16, 2023

Rehabilitation In Personal Injury Claims

During the course of a personal injury claim, clients may have suffered from a physical injury or a physical injury and psychological symptoms as a result of an accident. In…

October 13, 2023
  • amputation

Limb Loss – How To Value Amputation Claims?

As a practicing solicitor who deals with serious injuries I know that that effect of the loss of a limb is incalculable. The law has developed to create a system…

October 10, 2023
  • personal-injury

Why Do I Need A Medical Report When Bringing My PI Claim? Can’t My Doctor Just Write A Report?

When bringing a personal injury claim it is necessary to prove that your injuries ( what we refer to as “pain, suffering and loss of amenity”) and your symptoms are…

October 5, 2023
  • accident-in-public-spaces

ONE PUNCH AWARENESS WEEK: 18th to 22nd September 2023

The disastrous outcome of throwing just one punch is being highlighted once again this week. One Punch Awareness Week is held annually and is organised by the charity One Punch…

September 20, 2023
  • accident-in-public-spaces

Gathering Evidence In A Personal Injury Claim

In a personal injury case, the burden of proof is on the Claimant to prove their claim. It is therefore really important that if you have been involved in an…

August 15, 2023
  • road-traffic-accident

National Road Victim Month: 1st – 31st August 2023

National Road Victim Month is held annually in August and organised by the charity RoadPeace to remember people that have been killed or injured on our roads. RoadPeace designated August…

August 7, 2023
  • road-traffic-accident

Supporting National Road Victim Month 2023

National Road Victim Month is held annually in August to remember people that have been killed or injured on our roads. As well as honouring these people, it is also…

August 1, 2023
  • accident-in-public-spaces

Common Accidents During Summertime & The Duties Of Care That You’re Owed

Summer is always an exciting time for everyone. The sun comes out and everybody gets ready to do fun activities outside that they weren’t able to do in the winter…

July 18, 2023
  • amputation

Medical Negligence Settlement For Delay In Diagnosis Of Compartment Syndrome, Leading To Above Knee Amputation

When our client underwent routine coronary artery bypass surgery he could not imagine he would leave hospital with an amputation of his left leg. After surgery, whilst still sedated and…

July 5, 2023
  • compensation

APIL – Injury Prevention Week

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) is a highly reputable, not for profit organisation that diligently campaigns for the rights of injured victims of negligence, making a real difference…

June 26, 2023
  • compensation

I Haven’t Sought Medical Treatment; Can I Still Make A Personal Injury Claim?

It is important to seek medical advice if you have been injured in an accident. However, maybe you didn’t seek medical attention because you thought your injuries were not bad…

June 22, 2023