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The Litigation Series – Week 14: Quantifying Claims – Schedules And Counter Schedules Of Loss
In week 5 of the Litigation Series we explained how damages are calculated (quantified) in a medical negligence claim, including both general and special damages. The purpose of compensation is…

The Litigation Series – Week 10: What Happens Next In Defended Medical Negligence Claims
In week 9 of the Litigation Series, we explained the process of issuing (commencing) Court proceedings. This blog also explored the process of the Claimant serving their Particulars of Claim,…
Independent Private Healthcare Regulation: Closing The Gap Between Private And Public Healthcare?
What is the Private Healthcare Information Network and how does it fit into the public and private healthcare sectors? What is the PHIN? The Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) presents…

Successful Judicial Review Challenge Quashing The First Inquest Into The death of Vulnerable Man, Peter Seaby
Hodge Jones & Allen recently assisted a grieving family in their battle to obtain answers following the loss of their beloved brother, acting in a successful judicial review of the…

The Litigation Series – Week 2 – Investigating A Clinical Negligence Claim: Starting To Gather Evidence
The principle to have in mind when investigating a clinical negligence claim is that it is for the claimant to prove their case. Therefore gathering as much evidence as possible…