Expert Comments


The ride of your life or not?

Amusement parks are a place for fun and excitement. It is a place where families and friends let go of the worries of their daily lives in exchange for a...

July 14, 2016

Brexit: Car crash on the continent

What will Brexit mean for the hundreds of UK motorists who are unfortunate enough to have an accident in France or another EU member state every year? In short, leaving...

July 7, 2016

Protecting our clients and acting in their best interests

In the modern climate there can be some scepticism about personal injury lawyers, but there are also some myths about the profession. Very simply lawyers are professionals who are obligated...

July 6, 2016

Dogs: A man's best friend?

Britain are a nation of dog lover’s and rightly so. Figures show that almost 25% of the UK population own a dog. There are so many benefits to owning a...

June 29, 2016

Stay safe in the summer!

As we enter the main summer months of the year more and more people will be looking to get their barbecues out. This will be a time for enjoyment for...

June 24, 2016

Life after a brain injury

“I don’t really remember what happened, I just remember lying in bed and hearing my mum tell me I was involved in a road traffic accident.” Holly is one of...

June 9, 2016

Client's day out at court – have no fear!

Solicitor to Client: “I’m afraid the Defendant does not wish to make any offers of settlement and intends to proceed to trial on your case.” Client to Solicitor: “I thought...

May 23, 2016

Break a leg!

Break a leg is an idiom used in theatre to wish a performer “good luck”. Reading more about this term, I found the term appears to have come from the…

May 12, 2016

Action for Brain Injury Week 9-15th May 2016

Action for brain injury week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of the devastating effects of brain injury and its consequence. The campaign is organised by Headway and is…

May 11, 2016

Driverless cars: Safer UK Roads?

Last month, the Government announced £20 million funding for eight autonomous vehicle projects aimed at developing driverless car technology. According to Business Secretary Sajid Javid, this will “make getting from...

April 20, 2016

Work accidents – can my employer really be held at fault for a negligent act of my work colleague?

Accidents at work can happen in a variety of situations, whether it be working on a shop floor and you slip or trip, working in a warehouse and you are…

April 20, 2016
  • serious-injury

Tumble dryers pose fire risk

Technology is constantly evolving to make our life easier in this fast paced, busy world. Manufacturers of appliances are always introducing new designs to the market, promoting these appliances to…

March 29, 2016

The Invisible Injury: Memory loss after an accident: 'Brain Prize' awarded to three British scientists

Three British scientists – Tim Bliss, Graham Collingridge and Richard Morris — have shown how strengthened connections between brain cells can store our memories. They have been awarded a prize…

March 17, 2016

A lawyer’s duty: Share-holders vs Client – is the line too fine?

Historically, a lawyer has always had two primary duties. Their first is a duty to the court and the second is the duty owed to their client. These duties have…

March 3, 2016

Living the dream or the waking nightmare that can be renting !

It’s no secret that more and more young people are struggling to realise their dream of one day owning their own property. With London’s average house price up a third…

March 2, 2016

Life’s A Drone

Drones are fast becoming one of the must have gadgets since their launch. It is predicted that the drone industry will create as many as 150,000 jobs in the EU…

February 26, 2016

#SAFETY! But first…Let me take a #selfie

Social media is inundated with photographs and videos of people in various situations such as hanging onto the top of skyscrapers and taking pictures, often without careful consideration of those…

February 3, 2016

Cycling in London – call for compassion

It’s that time of year again when we go about our daily business and many of us commute to and from work in the dark, often in wet weather, when...

January 28, 2016

Cycle your way to safety

Here are some top tips either for those new to cycling or those in need of a safety reminder:

January 28, 2016

Signing up to keep fit?

It is that time of year when your waistline regrets the over-indulgences of Christmas and New Year’s resolutions are made. For many this involves joining a gym or taking up…

January 19, 2016