Expert Comments


Medical negligence arising from morcellation

An important step has been taken by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (‘RCOG’) to ensure that all healthcare professionals considering the use of a morcellator for patients undergoing...

October 29, 2019

Hodge Jones & Allen supports CBIT’s ‘Be Seen, Not Hurt’ campaign

The Child Brain Injury Trust’s ‘Be Seen, Not Hurt’ campaign runs from Monday 28th October until Friday 1st November 2019. People across the county, as well as millions of children,…

October 28, 2019

#ActionforBrainInjuryWeek 2019

It is Headway’s #Action for Brain Injury Week ( 20th May 2019 to 26th May 2019)This year the focus is on fatigue.

May 21, 2019
  • accident-abroad
  • accident-in-public-spaces

Can you make a personal injury claim if you have signed a waiver?

Sign…. Before you Jump! Waivers appear to be everywhere: trampoline parks; bouncy castles; parachute/bungee jumps; charity obstacle courses; even children’s sports days for the parents' 100m dash!; even before your...

April 25, 2019
  • court

Fundamental dishonesty and fraud in a personal injury cases

The term ‘fundamental dishonesty’ is referred to in both Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) 44.16(1) and Criminal Justice and Courts Act (CJCA) 2015, Section 57. CJCA 2015, Section 57 allows for...

March 22, 2019

What Does It Cost To Bring a Personal Injury Claim?

It can often be confusing for a client following an accident as to their rights to bring a claim for personal injury and in particular the costs associated with bringing...

March 22, 2019
  • compensation
  • court

What is an infant approval hearing?

An infant approval hearing is sometimes referred to as a Damages Approval Hearing, and takes place after the court has settled a child’s injury claim. Unlike in an adult’s personal...

February 28, 2019
  • accident-at work
  • road-traffic-accident

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Soft Tissue Injury?

Soft tissue injuries is a generic term used to describe injuries which affect ligaments, muscles, tendons, and nerves. The most common soft tissue injuries consist of strains, sprains, contusions, bursitis,...

February 21, 2019

How a personal injury claim can help with care after a brain injury

Suffering from a brain injury can be devastating not only for the injured person but also the immediate family. Those injured can suffer from emotional, behavioural and personality changes as...

February 5, 2019
  • burns-and scarring-injuries

How is severe facial scarring assessed in a Personal Injury Claim?

As a result of a personal injury, you may have suffered facial injuries which could potentially lead to scarring. As a Personal Injury Solicitor, I would say that valuing facial...

January 28, 2019
  • accident-in-public-spaces

Had an accident? Think better not how much?: The importance of an Immediate Needs Assessment (INA)

How to get better faster: rehabilitation If you have been injured in an accident you may be able to make a claim for compensation. However, the first thing you should...

January 25, 2019
  • compensation

What are the different types of damages in Personal Injury claim?

When a person had an accident due to no fault of their own and suffered a personal injury as a direct result of that accident, they may decide to pursue...

January 18, 2019
  • serious-injury

How do solicitors get paid when you pursue a personal injury claim?

The general rule in personal injury claims in relation to payment of costs is that the ‘losing’ party pays the ‘winning’ party’s costs. For this reason, a lot of people…

December 17, 2018

What financial losses I can claim for in a personal injury claim?

In personal injury claims, financial losses are known as “Special Damages”. Claimants are entitled to claim for financial losses and out of pocket expenses arising as a result of their...

December 5, 2018

Can I claim personal injury damages from my landlord if an accident occurred at home?

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) have reported that each year 2.7 million people seek medical attention at A&E as a result of accidents in the home....

November 30, 2018

Road Safety Week 2018 – Don’t Assume, Be Seen

The statistics of road casualties in Britain in the year ending 2018 from the Department for Transport is no easy reading. In the year ending June 2018, there were 26,610...

November 23, 2018
  • compensation

How do I make a claim for personal injury caused by a faulty product?

In cases where a personal injury has been caused by a potentially defective product, it may possible to bring a claim for compensation against the manufacturer or supplier of the…

November 14, 2018
  • accident-abroad

Can I make a claim for personal injury compensation if i am injured abroad whilst on holiday?

You have booked the tickets for that long awaited holiday, excitement takes over and you are counting the days. Pieces of luggage are packed and you finally take a seat...

November 2, 2018

Firework Injuries- How can the law help you?

Remember remember the 5th November. Bonfire Night is fast approaching and it is that time of year that fireworks are let off across the UK. As pretty as they look,...

October 31, 2018

Stay safe on Halloween

It’s that time of year again when people find absolutely any excuse to get absorbed into the Halloween spirit and engage in creepy and chilling behaviour during a fright night...

October 31, 2018