Expert Comments


The Value of Amputation Compensation

We cannot ever truly put a value on the loss of a limb and the associated trauma and life-changing events that it will give rise to. However, the law has…

July 17, 2020

Regulation of medicines and devices and potential reforms following the IMMDS review

On the 8th July 2020 the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety (IMMDS) Review released their report titled ‘First Do No Harm’ (the Report). The two year review was led...

July 16, 2020

Whiplash Reforms – How will they affect you?

The rules on whiplash claims are changing. From April 2021, anyone injured in a Road Traffic Accident will not be able to instruct a solicitor if their claim is worth...

July 14, 2020

Bicycle accidents – are you insured?

As a result of Covid-19 I, like many people have been cycling much more than I would normally do. When I was cycling recently I came across another cyclist cycling...

July 8, 2020

What should I do after a road traffic accident?

Road traffic accidents and car crashes are frightening and upsetting events that many of us hope to never be involved in. However, they can happen, and it helps to know…

July 1, 2020

Stay safe cycling during COVID-19 lockdown

As lockdown restrictions are beginning to ease, those who cannot work from home are being encouraged back to work. Rather than risking public transport or using a car many are...

June 22, 2020

Can I make a claim for a slip, trip or fall on the pavement?

Slip, trip and falling over while out and about are one of the most common types of personal injury claims we handle. Fortunately, most of these accidents only result in...

June 10, 2020

What do you need to prove in a trip or fall personal injury claim

At Hodge Jones & Allen , the personal injury department represents many individuals who have been injured as a result of a trip or fall. The injuries sustained can be...

June 9, 2020
  • serious-injury

Huddersfield man, 39, awarded vaccine injury compensation, for injury caused by contracting poliomyelitis from polio vaccine when he was 6 months old

Mr Karl Turrell was 6 months old when, in 1980, he received his routine first set of three doses of baby vaccines (Diptheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio). At that...

May 29, 2020
  • Covid-19

NICE amends Covid-19 critical care guideline after judicial review challenge

A proposed judicial review challenge to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (‘NICE’) COVID-19 guideline for clinical care has secured important changes to protect the rights of people…

March 31, 2020

Against the odds…Friday the 13th is not as unlucky as you might think

Even before the beginning of the popular film franchise from the 1980s, Friday the 13th has been embedded in our cultural consciousness as an unlucky date. Many people will consider...

March 13, 2020

Product liability and the benefits of joining a group (multi-party) action

When an individual has been injured as a result of a faulty product, it may possible to bring a claim for compensation against the manufacturer, suppliers, distributors or retailers of...

March 12, 2020
  • accident-abroad

What to do if you are injured in a ski accident

Skiing is a popular pastime with more people taking to the slopes than ever before It is estimated that a staggering 300 million people around the world are involved in...

March 6, 2020

Children aged 11 and under will no longer head footballs in training: England, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Following on from the news a few weeks ago that the Scottish Football Association (SFA) was to ban u12s heading the ball, new guidelines issued by the English FA, Scottish...

February 28, 2020

Six frequently asked questions about personal injury claims

Over the years, it has become clear that claimants tend to ask similar questions about their claim and how the process works. Here we answer some of the most popular:-...

February 24, 2020

What to do if you are involved in a cycling accident

It’s 2020 and we have entered a new decade. As part of a healthy start you may have decided to join the number of commuters who cycle to work. Many...

January 23, 2020
  • road-traffic-accident

What is a low velocity impact in personal injury claims?

Even in cases where the issue of liability (fault) for an accident is straightforward, this alone will not be sufficient to succeed in a claim for personal injury. In addition...

December 18, 2019

Can I make a claim for compensation after a hit and run accident?

The phrase “hit and run” is unfortunately heard fairly often in the news. A “hit and run” is where a motorist leaves the scene of an accident without giving their...

December 4, 2019

Drivers be prepared and drive safely this winter

Daylight saving hours have come to an end, mornings and evenings will be colder and darker. Roads can be dangerous at the best of times, but throw darkness, some ice…

November 20, 2019

What happens at a medical examination in a Personal Injury claim?

A medical examination is a key part of any Personal Injury claim. A professional health expert will provide their own independent opinion on your injuries and any likely causes. The...

November 14, 2019