Expert Comments


Working as a personal injury lawyer during the Coronavirus pandemic

My working life has certainly been a different experience, since March 2020! When the first lockdown was announced, we were all working from home. Since then, for me, not much…

February 10, 2021

Winter weather – staying safe on icy roads

Winter is a challenging time for drivers, and with many parts of the country forecast for snow over this period the roads can be dangerous. Under the current Government Guidelines…

January 21, 2021

Staying and working at home – always be aware of common accidents

Working, schooling and looking after each other from home during this time will be challenging for us all! Accidents can and do occur in the home. RoSPA (Royal Society for…

January 13, 2021
  • compensation
  • court

Can I make a personal injury claim without a solicitor?

As everyone has a right of access to justice, there is no legal requirement for you to instruct a solicitor to handle your personal injury claim however, there are a...

January 7, 2021

Recording important medical evidence in low value Personal Injury Claims during the Coronavirus Pandemic

If you suffer an injury that wasn’t your fault you may be considering making a personal injury claim and depending on the severity of the injury, you may choose to...

January 6, 2021

Top tips for travelling abroad and staying safe

We are currently living in an uncertain world where travel to another country may seem like the perfect answer to escape and relax, however whilst pursuing your dreamed escape you...

December 8, 2020

Road Safety Week: No Need To Speed 16 – 22 November 2020

Road Safety Week is the biggest road safety event in the UK, which is organised by the road safety charity Brake every year. The aim of Road Safety Week is…

November 16, 2020

What can I claim for limb loss?

The loss of a body part is undoubtedly life changing, devastating and challenging for the injured person and their family. If the amputation is as a result of a serious...

November 11, 2020

Top 12 fireworks safety tips to prevent personal injury

As Bonfire Night is fast approaching, there will undoubtedly be thousands of people enjoying some firework fun. However, no matter how pretty and thrilling these fireworks can be, there is...

November 4, 2020

Casualties in Greater London during 2019 – Data Release

As a result of Covid-19 we have seen many more cyclists on the road. In Greater Manchester however there have been reports of an increase in road fatalities and there...

October 28, 2020

COVID-19: returning to the workplace

Many of us have had the opportunity to work from home since the world as we know it changed. Although the Government has recently encouraged employees to return to work...

October 19, 2020

Tips to stay safe and injury free while performing exercise on the roads this winter

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of indoor exercise venues, outdoor exercises such as walking, jogging and cycling have become popular ways to get out of...

October 15, 2020

How to stay safe at the gym post-lockdown

As gyms across the country are reopening under new guidance, many have started to make a return to indoor exercise. It may well be that you’ve changed your routine and...

October 8, 2020

New to cycling – what to do if I have an accident?

As a result of the current pandemic, many more people have either recently taken up cycling for the first time or are cycling more. This might be to avoid public…

September 17, 2020

RoadPeace – National Road Victim Month

August is National Road Victim Month. I understand that RoadPeace, a national charity, chose August as the dedicated month for road victims following the death of Diana Princess of Wales…

August 19, 2020

Vulnerable road users: what do drivers need to know about them?

As drivers, we share the road with others who don’t have the protection we do in our cars. If there is an accident, they will come out of it worse...

August 18, 2020

Aeroplane Accidents – The Risk of Personal Injury

If you are on your way to a last minute summer holiday getaway that involves travelling on an aeroplane, then like me, you will be full of excitement and the…

August 18, 2020

Parks, playgrounds and fairgrounds – have fun but, take care

With the summer holidays fast approaching, children and families will no doubt be looking to spend a lot of free time in parks and fairgrounds; but how safe are they?

August 10, 2020

What makes a good serious injury lawyer?

Anne Sanders considers the skills I have developed and honed as a Personal Injury Lawyer of 21 years. She has dealt with many complex serious injury cases, initially as a...

July 24, 2020

Why you should instruct a personal injury solicitor sooner rather than later

Most people have seen an advert on TV or received an unsolicited phone call asking if they have had an accident in the last three years. The time period of...

July 20, 2020