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Expert Comments
Polyamorous Relationships and Their Impact on Inheritance and Probate
In recent years, polyamorous relationships have become more visible and more publicly understood. Polyamory refers to having a romantic relationship with more than one person. There is no one right…
A Recent Take On Death Bed Gifts – Rahman V Hassan (2024)
The doctrine of donatio mortis causa (which in Latin translates to ‘gift by reason of death’) (“DMC”) dates back to the Roman times, and given the statutory provisions of s9…
Testamentary Capacity – Updated in Leonard v Leonard (2024)
A Will can be challenged and set aside if it can be shown that the deceased lacked ‘testamentary capacity’. Banks v Goodfellow (1870) The relevant legal test for establishing (testamentary)…
Mariah Carey’s Mother And Sister Die On The Same Day: Who Will Receive Their Inheritance First?
The Grammy award winning singer, Mariah Carey, has announced the tragic loss of both her mother and sister. Where there are insufficient details known at this time to determine what…
People are often under the impression that the field of Wills & Probate is rather sombre and devoid of love. However in reality that is rarely the case. Clients are…
Planning For Your Loved One’s Future? Start With Your Will
Your Will is one of the most important documents you will ever create. A validly signed and witnessed Will insures that on your death there is a smooth distribution of…
Many of us are making gifts this festive season echoing the Three Wise Men, the biblical magi who were distinguished foreigners in the Gospel of Matthew, and the Christian tradition…
The captivating rock ballad November Rain penned by the legendary and talented musician Axl Rose, of the famous band Guns and Roses has often sprang to mind this November. We…
Here at Hodge Jones & Allen we advise clients of the advantages and peace of mind that comes when they have put in place Lasting Powers of Attorney Documents (LPA)’s…
The Government’s Inheritance Tax Giveaway To Society’s Richest
Was inheritance tax mentioned in the budget? Barely. But a look beneath the surface shows that the removal of a key pension threshold will enable the richest in society to,…
March 22, 2023
Whose Body Is It Anyway?
Why is it that when setting out the funeral instructions in a will, also known as the “disposal of body” clause, the wording starts with “I wish” or “I desire”?…
January 23, 2023
Lasting Powers of Attorney – not just for the elderly
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is the legal mechanism by which a donor appoints an attorney to make decisions on their behalf. There are two types of LPA, one…
Estate Planning And Probate With Overseas Elements – Where To Begin?
When dealing with an estate, either by planning your estate through making a will or acting as a personal representative in a probate matter, it is increasingly common to encounter…
We always impress on clients the importance of making a valid Will. Equally important is to ensure that the original is then stored in a safe place so that when…
Fraudsters Are Using Powers Of Attorney To Steal People’s Homes
The system for taking control of a person’s financial affairs is “wide open” to fraud, a BBC investigation has found. They were concerned that the application process for obtaining financial…
February 11, 2022
Succession: How To Make A Success Of Charitable Giving In A Will
The finale of season three of Succession has aired and fans around the world are on tenterhooks as to what may come of media empire Waystar RoyCo and the squabbling…
December 20, 2021
Private Wills For The Royals, Public Wills For The Rest Of Us
You may have seen reports and opinions in the news concerning whether Prince Philip’s will should or should not be a matter of public record. The Guardian is seeking permission…
November 26, 2021
The Cycle of Life – and 10 reasons to make (or change) your will
A will is a legally binding document which sets out your wishes for later life, including how your assets will be passed on to your loved ones. To help illustrate...
Following our recent blog (which can be read here), discussing the unscrupulous practices used by some ‘heir hunters’, we were contacted by Finders (a probate research agency). Danny Curran, the…