Expert Comments

  • crime
  • protest-law

Obstruction of a Highway: Understanding Protest Rights Post-Director of Public Prosecutions v Ziegler

Legislation on Obstruct Highway The legislation says that, “If a person, without lawful authority or excuse, in any way wilfully obstructs the free passage along a highway he is guilty…

November 27, 2024
  • crime
  • criminal-defence
  • representation

I’M Facing A Criminal Charge, Can I Recover My Legal Costs?

How to fund their defence is often the first significant decision a client facing a criminal allegation has to make. Many defendants want to know what will happen if they…

  • driving-offences

Fatal Road Accidents: When Will There Be A Criminal Prosecution And What Will Be The Outcome

The majority of people drive. Those who do often think they drive safely. While many do drive safely, obviously some do not. If there is a road accident that results…

July 7, 2023
  • court

Ministry of Justice Reverse Increase In Sentencing Powers Of Magistrates

On 2nd May 2022, the sentencing powers of magistrates were increased from six months to one year, in an attempt to ease the backlog in the courts. At the time,…

March 10, 2023
  • general-crime

I Was Racially Profiled And Manhandled By The Police, Now They Have Charged Me With A Criminal Offence

Unfortunately but unsurprisingly, a recent CPS study concluded that black and minority ethnic individuals are significantly more likely to be charged than their white counterparts. As criminal defence lawyers, we…

February 28, 2023
  • general-crime

Jurors Beware. The Possible Perils Of Jury Service

When the letter from the Ministry of Justice drops on your doormat, many of us think it is quite an inconvenience to have to do jury service. I know equal…

February 3, 2023
  • representation

What to do if contacted by the police for an interview under caution

The police are increasingly asking people suspected of committing a criminal offence to attend the police station voluntarily for an interview under caution rather than arresting them. Such interviews have…

April 19, 2021

The E-Scooter – The Future Of City Travel, But What Are Your Legal Rights?

If you live in a built up city and are a regular road user you have definitely seen the growth in popularity of electronic modes of transport such as the…

  • general-crime

What should I do if I am invited to attend a voluntary interview at the police station?

If you are contacted by the police to attend the police station for a voluntary interview, it can be very unsettling. The police may only provide you with very limited,...

December 1, 2020
  • defending-an-allegation

Care Providers Beware: Prosecution for ill treatment and wilful neglect.

Lurking within the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 are some little known and relatively new offences that may see the light of a greater number of prosecutions as the...

November 10, 2020

Will I be able to meet my solicitor in person during the second lockdown?

In criminal cases it is very important for the solicitor and client to meet each other in person in order to get to know each other so that they can...

November 5, 2020

A Week in the Life of a Criminal Solicitor – Friday

Between April 2018 and March 2019 there were 4,500 recorded knife and weapons offences committed by children in London. This is the final blog in a five-part series documenting a…

October 30, 2020

A Week in the Life of a Criminal Solicitor – Thursday

Between April 2018 and March 2019 there were 4,500 recorded knife and weapons offences committed by children in London. This is the penultimate blog in a five-part series documenting a…

October 29, 2020

A Week in the Life of a Criminal Solicitor – Wednesday

Between April 2018 and March 2019 there were 4,500 recorded knife and weapons offences committed by children in London. This is the third blog in a five-part series documenting a…

October 28, 2020
  • knife-crime
  • youth-crime

A Week in the Life of a Criminal Solicitor – Tuesday

Between April 2018 and March 2019 there were 4,500 recorded knife and weapons offences committed by children in London. This is the second blog in a five-part series documenting a…

October 27, 2020
  • youth-crime

A Week in the Life of a Criminal Solicitor – Monday

Between April 2018 and March 2019 there were 4,500 recorded knife and weapons offences committed by children in London. This five-part blog series documents a week in the life of…

October 26, 2020

‘Big Brother is watching you’- how criminal defence lawyers handle video identification evidence

We all know that so much of our daily lives is observed by cameras of some form. Most of our high streets, shopping precincts and public places are watched over…

October 21, 2020
  • Covid-19

Can I end up with a criminal record for breaking ‘The Rule of Six’?

New coronavirus laws prohibit social gatherings of more than six people under updated Health Protection Regulations 2020 which came into effect on Monday 14 September 2020. It is now illegal...

September 29, 2020
  • legal-help

Can a complaint to the police be malicious prosecution?

Claims of malicious prosecution is a developing area of law. New cases appear to be on the increase. Making life difficult for an ex-partner/spouse by reporting them to the police...

September 14, 2020

The government’s response to P, G & W: A welcome, if bare minimum, step

On 30th January 2019 the Supreme Court in the case of P, G & W V The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] UKSC 3 considered in detail...

September 8, 2020