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New Years Resolutions – Keeping Fit And Staying Safe

New Years Resolutions are often about starting the year being fit and active. This may involve joining a gym, taking up running or even trying your hand at a trampoline activity which is enjoyed by all ages.

You will want to ensure that you are in a safe environment when carrying out such activities and places such as gyms have a duty of care to its customers to provide a safe place.


Accidents can often arise in gyms and these can include

  1. Trips and slips
  2. Accidents on equipment such as treadmills
  3. Accidents caused by other gym users.

Trampoline Parks

Often people will report accidents when the netting has come away on trampolines or the metal surroundings are exposed. You may fall from a height and land on a hard surface or have an accident caused by another trampoline user. This may include injuries such as fractures, soft tissue injuries or even head injuries.


If you are out running, you will need to keep a check on your surroundings and look out for any potential tripping hazards. It is always worth wearing high visibility clothing so that road users can see you as well as other pedestrians.

What happens if I do have an accident?

  1. If the accident has happened in a gym for example, ensure that you report it to a member of staff and ask for the accident to be recorded in an accident book.
  2. Seek medical advice for the injury sustained. Your first port of call may be your GP. For more serious injuries you will need to attend A&E.
  3. Take a photograph of any equipment/what caused your accident.
  4. Ensure that before you take part in activities including trampoline parks that you read the waivers which include a list of the risks involved. Keep hold of the waiver.

If you have been involved in an accident at the gym, for which you are not to blame, and sustained an injury as a direct result of that accident, you may be entitled to compensation – try our personal injury claims calculator to help you estimate how much compensation you could be entitled to claim.

Please do not hesitate to contact our expert personal injury solicitors on 0330 822 3451 or request a call back for a free consultation.

Further Reading