Support for children with brain injuries during Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed everybody’s life since lockdown came in to effect in March. People are working from home, children are being home-schooled, and movement has been severely restricted.

Many have adapted to the ‘new normal,’ but for some of us the drastic changes have been more difficult. If your child has a head or brain injury, it’s likely that you’re finding lockdown daunting. Whether it’s the sudden change of routine, access to support or trying to reassure your child, the pandemic has made caring for children with medical conditions more challenging.

Hodge Jones & Allen are proud to be one of the legal partners working closely with The Child Brain Injury Trust (CBIT). The charity supports families with children who have suffered a brain injury and has continued its amazing work throughout the Covid-19 crisis.

Advice for supporting children with brain injuries

To help children with a brain injury during the pandemic, CBIT has five tips:

  1. Keeping to a routine – children benefit from a good routine of going to school Monday-Friday, so not having the familiarity of school could make some children feel out of place or uneasy. Having a set schedule for the day will benefit children with brain injury feel secure and calm.
  2. Introducing creative play – creative play, learning new skills (baking, making items) and outdoor time help stimulate children with head injuries. Find things in your child’s surrounding area to stimulate different parts of their brain, such as crunchy leaves, bird feathers and sticks.
  3. Communicating about the pandemic – younger children may not understand why we all need to stay at home or why they cannot see their friends and extended families. Explain the changes and why we are doing certain things such as washing our hands more regularly or not visiting grandparents.
  4. Monitoring their feelings – children with brain and head injuries may struggle to verbalise how they’re feeling. A feelings chart where they draw how they’re feeling (smiley face, cross face, sad face) can help parents understand their behaviours, which may change or fluctuate throughout the lockdown.
  5. Taking things one day at a time – the coronavirus pandemic has caused anxiety and unease for a lot of people, which can be heightened by watching the news and uncertainty of the futures. Certain goals that you had for your child’s recovery may have slowed down due to the virus. Focus on smaller, everyday goals instead of milestones.

Donate to the Child Brain Injury Trust (CBIT)

Hodge Jones & Allen are pleased to work with CBIT to make a difference to families affected by childhood acquired brain injury. At a time when the world is struggling to cope with this global health crisis, CBIT are continuing their great work but continue to rely on public support so they can be there for families who need them. Donate here if you are able.