The Role Of Asbestos Support Groups

Local support for those affected by asbestos diseases

Every year in the UK thousands of people are diagnosed with an asbestos disease, including mesothelioma. This can be an uncertain and worrying time for those affected. However, there is amazing support available from local asbestos support groups.

Many people think asbestos is a thing of the past and they won’t be affected by it today. Unfortunately, that is not the case. For those affected by asbestos diseases such as pleural thickening, asbestosis, asbestos related lung cancer or mesothelioma, the UK’s historical use of asbestos materials across the country becomes a very real and present issue to be dealt with. However, you are not alone in having to deal with an asbestos disease diagnosis.

Where to find your local support group

The website of the Asbestos Victims Support Group Forum UK (AVSGF) sets out contact details of recognised asbestos support groups all around the country ( Some support groups cover large geographical areas but there will always be a support group that covers the area where you live.

The asbestos support groups will be registered charities or not-for-profit organisations. They are independent and all of their services are completely free.

What help is available?

Asbestos support groups offer support to those affected by any asbestos disease, whether it be the person diagnosed with a disease or a family member or friend.

The support offered varies from group to group but will typically include emotional support in coming to terms with a diagnosis, assistance with DWP benefits entitlement, liaising with medical professionals and sign-posting to specialist lawyers who can assist with compensation claims.

In addition, many groups offer friendship sessions and coffee mornings on a regular basis at which people in similar situations can meet up and discuss their position with others who truly understand. Support groups will often arrange for guest speakers to attend the support group meetings to provide useful information and advice on a relevant topic.

In addition to support for individuals, many support groups support or lead campaigns to change the unfairness asbestos disease sufferers face, including unfairness in the law or with DWP benefits’ entitlement.

The support groups also recognise Action Mesothelioma Day every year, which falls on the first Friday of each July. This is a national day set aside to remember everyone affected by mesothelioma, to raise awareness about mesothelioma and to campaign for victims’ rights. Many support groups will have events to attend in their local area, which are very well attended.

Legal help

Hodge Jones & Allen fundraise for and fully support asbestos support charities. We see first- hand how the work carried out by support groups is invaluable to those affected by asbestos diseases and it is an honour to be involved in supporting the groups.

Our asbestos disease lawyers work closely with the asbestos support groups on a daily basis to ensure that independent and specialist legal advice is given to anyone who needs it. The legal advice we offer is at no financial risk to the asbestos disease victim or their family.

We are true specialists in the asbestos disease field and have been independently ranked as so. Our excellent reputation means you can be assured that the advice you receive from Hodge Jones & Allen will be the very best and that we will strive to take away any stress caused by the thought of a legal claim. We never forget that we pursue asbestos disease compensation claims every day but this will almost certainly be the first time you have done so – we are here to support you in your legal journey, alongside the asbestos support groups.

If you have been affected by asbestos diseases and need legal help, contact asbestos & mesothelioma compensation solicitors on 0330 822 3451 or request a call back online.

Further Reading More posts from Lorna Webster